Chapter 34

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"Thanks for the help!" I exclaimed to the lads, lazing around in the backyard. The movers van was right outside and all the lads were here helping me, along with Jenny, Rachel and Vera.

Right now, the lads were lounging on lawn chairs in my backyard, instead of helping with the boxes. They had all decided to vacation together here in LA, and help me in the process, last week. Since then they've been annoying the shit out of me. They were staying in a nearby hotel, as there wasn't enough space in our house.

"Can ya'll move your lazy asses up and help me??" I said, trying to pick up a heavy box. Niall chuckles, before getting up and picking up the box with ease. Jenny, who walked by with another light box, laughs lightly. 

Louis, Liam and Harry didn't move a muscle and continues to watch us, sleepily. Their sunglasses were perched on their noses, as they sat on the beach chairs that were in our lawn.

Niall walked by them to the movers truck, shaking his head. He placed the box inside and went inside the house to help Jenny and Rachel.

"I swear to god, if you don't get up this instant, I'm turning on my hose and gonna give you some rain." I said walking up to them, making Liam and Harry jump up, in fear of getting drenched.

I smirked once I saw that Louis was dead asleep, light snores escaping his mouth. 

"Hold on." I told Liam and Harry, as I jogged inside the house.

"Guys, you wanna see something fun?" I asked Niall, Jenny, Rachel and Vera. 

"Sure." Jenny said. I motioned for them to follow me and walked towards the lads once again. 

Niall smiled once he saw Louis, because he understood what was about to happen. I walked towards where the hose was, grabbed the temporarily off hose and walked towards Lou. 

Niall had his camera ready, so did Liam and Jenny. 

"Oh Louis." I said sweetly, nudging him with my foot. He wiggled a bit and then showed me the middle finger, going back to sleep. The other all chuckled and giggled as I continued.

"I gave you a chance." I said shaking my head, holding the hose up a bit. I turned to look at Vera and saw that she was right next to the tap. 

"Wait, what are you talkin-" Louis was cut off by a rather strong force of water, splashing him. 

He yelped, jumping away from me, but of course I followed him. And in the process I hit Niall, leaving a big spot on his tshirt. He looked at me wide eyed, before running inside. I ignored the boy and continued hitting Louis with the water.

"You fucker!" he exclaimed, trying to run away from the water. I stood at the center of the backyard shooting the running boy, as everyone else ran about to avoid being hit.

Just then Niall came back out, with a couple buckets filled with water. I widen my eyes, as Niall put down the buckets on the floor, gave me a very evil smile and threw water at me from one bucket.

I jumped away, with a scream, abandoning my hose on the floor and scurried away from him.  

I hear another scream followed by a shout and turn around to see Harry and Jennifer drenched in water. And there stood Vera holding my hose. 

"Bitch stole my hose!" I yell, with a smile at my friend. 

Wrong move. 

She aims the hose at me next and I yelp, running away. The lads, Louis and Liam both grab the buckets and attack everyone as Vera chased me. 

Harry had gotten water bottles and handed them to Niall, smirking as he attacked Jenny. Rachel squealed, as she got attacked by her husband and his best mate. Niall threw a bucket at Liam, making him yell out. 

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