The Form

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Maxon's POV

One more day. One. More. Day. I only have one more day till the palace. My house. The place I feel safest. Is going to be filled with a bunch of girls trying to win my heart. Wait, no let me rephrase that. Filled with a bunch of girls trying to win the crown. They don't care about my heart. Or most of them don't anyway. They just care about the crown they get if I like them.

"I never really understood girls that much. I mean all I see them do is flirt and giggle." I told my adviser Jermey.

Jermey laughed "you'll feel different when you meet the one you will love and cherish forever. The one you would take a bullet for. I promise you that Maxon"

I move to stand in front of Jeremy. "Wait. Really. I'll feel that?" I said in awe. Right then I was ready. I felt ready. I wanted to meet the person who hold the key to my heart. The person that I'll hold the key to theirs. I was backing up when I heard foot steps on the stairs and turned towards the noise. Right then a maid bumped right into my chest.

"Oh. My. Gosh. I'm so so so so sorry Your Highness!!" She said "it's all my fault..."

"It's fine." I cut her off. I saw she dropped a lot of papers that I assumed were important. "It was all my fault actually. I ran into you. I should have been looking where I was going." I blushed for being so clumsy. "Here let me help you. It's the least I could do"

I got down on both of my knees and started to pick up the papers. I noticed they were pictures of girls and information. It clicked in my brain. These were the forums the selected needed to fill out. The ones my dad read over and hand chose the girls for me. All these girls must be the ones he said no too.

"These are the Selection forums. Right?" I asked the maid

"Yes. Your Highness. I am dumping them away right now. Your dad doesn't want them to clutter his desk any longer." She said not meeting my eyes.

I looked down and saw the most stunning girl I've ever seen. With fiery red hair and sparkling blue eyes. With the skin of that of an angel. I stared at her. Her mouth turned up in a smile to show her pearly white teeth. I quietly snuck the forum behind my back and gathered up the rest and handed them to the maid.

"Thank you Your Highness" the maid said and curtsied and ran off.

"I saw you sneak the girls forum behind your back. I'm not naive" Jermey said and raised an eyebrow.

"No you didn't."I said and ran to my room to learn more about the girl.

~A few hours later~

"Prince Maxon. It's time for the Report." Amy said. A producer of the Report.

"Okay be right there" I said waving her away. I knew it wasn't the most princely thing to do but I needed to know more about this girl named America. I had so many questions that needed to be answered.

I made my way down to the studio they filmed in. Everyone looked at me and my dad had a look of fury in his eyes. He was mad at something. I just prayed it wasn't me.

"Where were you!" He yelled.

"In my room... reading?" It came out more of a question than an answer.

"You are a half an hour late. We go live in 2 freaking minutes." My father screamed.

"Okay. Can we deal with Maxon after the report honey" I heard my mothers sweet voice say.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever. Just don't do that ever again Maxon Calix Schreave"I nodded at my dad and made my way on stage.

I sat down in my chair and sat up straight and looked at Gavril. I couldn't process what he was saying because I was too nervous about the girls coming to the palace. For all I know I just invited a rebel into our castle. Breath. Maxon. Breath. I thought. No worries. All these girls have had a background check. Right?

"...Maxon?" Gavril asked. I looked up and everyone was looking at me. I had to guess what he asked me because I didn't want to look stupid on stage in front of all Illéa.

"I'm so excited for the selected to come to the palace!!" I said really lively and put a smile on my face that I knew would melt all the girl's hearts who were watching.

"That's an amazing attitude about the whole selection!" Gavril said smiling at me. I knew I guessed the answer right and said the right thing.

"So Maxon. What do you look for in a girl?" Gavril said eyeing me. I didn't have to think about that one for long.

"I want a girl who will take me as I am. Who would want me even if I didn't have this piece of metal on my head. A girl who listens to me and understands me. But fights me if she thinks I'm wrong." I said with a smile. In my mind my brain pictures America. Even her name sounds amazing. I sighed and looked at nothing in particular.

"Hear that ladies. If you get chosen you know what you need to do!! Now let's get to the selected. Shall we?"

I watched as the camera zoomed in on my face. I promise you I had so much sweat on my face from being scared. I put on a smile and looked straight at the camera. I wasn't scared of that little harmless thing.

"Our selected are...
Marlee Tames Of Kent 4
Tiny Lee of Dakota 3
Natalie Luca Of Bankston 4
Tuesday Keeper Of Waverly
Kiss Ambers Of Columbia 3
Celeste Newsome Of Clermont 2"

I knew I needed to look impressed by all the twos my dad put in. So he nodded and my smile became bigger. Noted it was fake of course. I thought. She looked familiar but I couldn't place her.

"Elise Whisks Of Angeles 4
Ashley Brouillette Of Allens 3
Leah Sacks Of Dominca 3
Zoe Peddler Of Lakedon 4
Lyssa Bow Of Whites 5..."

My head popped up when I heard a five. I knew my dad put a couple of fives in. I kept listening and watching the screen at the selected pictures.

"... Kamber Leger Of Carolina 6, our only 6"

I looked at the picture of the six. She was beautiful. I thought and smiled but then I noticed she was from Carolina. Just like America. I wondered if they knew each other. I pushed that thought away. There were so many people in Carolina. No way they knew each other.

Hello. Hoped you liked this chapter!! It took me a little bit to get some of the girls names in and their caste trying to keep it as real as possible. (Well to the book at least). Please comment and tell me what you think!!

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