The King and the Maid (Part 2)

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Lucy's POV

While I'm telling him all this he just sits there and listens. That's one thing that I have heard America swoon about. America always was saying how well Maxon listens to her and how much he has helped her over the years.

After I finish my story and have told him my feelings about America and Aspen, Maxon just sits there and ponders a little bit. I think he is trying to think up some advice for me. After all that is really what this story telling us about.

Finally he speaks. "Well to be honest Lucy I can see myself telling you to go for what you want. You have to fight for Aspen if you want him. But I know that that advice wouldn't really truly be about your problem. It would be branching off of mine. I would tell you to break Aspen and America up, not because I want you to have your happily ever after, but because I want America myself." He explains what his answer would possibly be. I listen as well as he listened to me.

"The thing is... standing from a point of view that has no connections to your problem besides knowing the people, I would say, stay out of their relationship. Let them figure it out for themselves. When push comes to shove, it is their relationship. If they are meant to be together, they will be together, but if they aren't meant to be they will break. Let fate take over." He keeps explaining.

I didn't like his answer. I wish he went with the first answer. The one that told me to fight for what I want. Yes, Maxon has got a point when it comes to Aspen and America's relationship. It's theirs. If they were meant to be together then I guess it's not my place to push them away from one another.

"Even though that I would have loved it if you told me to fight for what I want, I think you are right. I'll stand back and let whatever happens happen. But Maxon, America doesn't want me talking or seeing Aspen, even in a friendly way. She despises me now." I can tell I'm whining a bit. Either Maxon doesn't notice or he doesn't care because he doesn't say anything about it.

"Maybe it's for the best. I mean the more time you spend with Aspen the more your feelings will grow. Right? So like I said maybe it's for the best." Was all Maxon said and looked down.

"Yeah. Maybe it is for the best." I smile a little bit and Maxon tries to give me a small smile in return but I can tell it's forced. "Well I guess it's your turn..." I say and watch him breath in and out twice before he starts. He isn't looking at me. He's looking at the ground.

"It all started the day I told everyone that Kriss would be the next Queen of Illéa. My mom was outraged my dad was quite the opposite. He thought America was no good for me anyway. I believed him when he said that Kriss would make a better Queen. Jokes on me I guess. I wanted to not believe him. I wanted to throw a chair at his head for all the things he had said about America. He bad mouthed her. I was going to say that America would be the future queen. I had it all planned out, what I didn't have planned was when America came to me and told me her and Aspen were getting married and she was pulling out of the selection. I was hurt. I knew that America didn't know how much she really hurt me." He cuts off and there is a silent pause.

"She was also hurt at that time too though. She had just lost her best friend and she was going through some things that I would never wish upon someone. She needed someone to be there for her. At that point in time Aspen was the only one who could give her the comfort and support she needed." He adds on. I don't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I knew Aspen at that time and that's when I didn't care that much for him.

Now, I feel jealousy brewing inside me. Why couldn't America want Maxon there by her side while she was grieving? Why Aspen? America always gets what she wants. She is spoiled and...

"Why are you going off about America? She didn't do anything!" Maxon yells at me.

I was thinking out loud. Crap.

"I'm sorry Maxon. I didn't know I was thinking out loud and I don't even know why I was thinking some of those things. I- I even thought about hitting America. What's happening to me?" I sob a little and tears come to my eyes.

"You're jealous. Jealousy can change a person and not for the better. Try not to think about what you don't have, try to think about what you do have." Maxon urges. I think about Anne and Mary. My friends. I love them so much.

"Thank you Maxon. I don't know what I would have done without you calming me down honestly." I laugh a bit and he cracks a small smile.

"Anytime you need to talk I'm here. Just write a note." He smiles and goes on with his problem. "Anyway since America came back to the palace I have felt this connection with her that I k ew we shared before. I don't love Kriss. I don't think I ever will. My heart belongs to someone who doesn't even want me." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Anyway. We kissed before the rebel attack a few weeks back. She told me about you and Aspen and let me tell you I was mad. I already accepted that America and Aspen would be together, but I guess it was more like if he did anything to hurt America I would send the whole army to dismantle him." He laughed a little. It was a joke. Good, just a joke. "Anyways the point is that I love America. We are kind of in the same position yet I'm married. Advice?" He looks at me for the first time.

"Well. I say try to talk to America about your feelings. Also try to talk to Kriss. I'm sure she'll under- yeah never mind scratch that. She probably won't." He laughs at that and that makes me laugh. "Also talk to your mom. Your mom is very wise and will tell you the truth. Unlike your dad who will try to persuade you to do things you don't want to do. No offense to your dad." I say quickly. Don't want to offend the ex-king.

Maxon thinks over my advice and then says thank you. We stand up and wish each other good luck with our love lives and then unexpectedly he hugs me and reminds me that whatever is said here, stays here. We promised each other. I will hold up my end and I'm 100% sure he will also.

Funny to think about.

Two people. Don't really know each other. Talked about our problem. Gave advice. Too basically strangers. And all we have to go on is our trust in one another.

Hello!! How did you guys like this chapter? I liked it because I got to explore really what they were thinking and what their problems really were. I also liked it because I got to give the characters advice that I would give them as well. What do you think Maxon and Lucy will do with this new information about the other? What advice would you give them yourself? Will they hold up Thur end of the promise? And I know it's really far fetched but... what would you say if they feel in love???😂 I know it's crazy to think about!! Comment and vote!!

I will post again 7/18/18

Spoiler: sorry. I don't really know what the next chapter will be about!!

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