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Maxon's POV

I walk over to my father who watches me walk up to him. I couldn't read his face and it made me scared. Was he mad at me? Was he happy for me? I mean I totally disobeyed him.

"Father!" I say cheerfully. I push my nerves aside and put a smile on my face.

He didn't answer for what seemed like a minute, but probably was only seconds. He smiled at me politely and nodded at me acknowledging my presence. Finally he spoke. "Son."

That one simple word determined how he was feeling. He said it with happiness and a little pride. I internally high fives myself. Maybe for once my stone cold father was proud of me.

"Is there something you want?" Father asked me. It wasn't a cold statement, just a curious one.

"Thank you." I said and he looked at me in disbelief.

"For What? I know I haven't even been remotely easy on you. I pushed you and hoped you would push back, I kept pushing you until you could push back. I am not going to say that my methods were anywhere close to being right, but it got you where you are today." Father said and I couldn't tell if there was actually guilt in his voice or if I just imagined it.

"Why Father? Why do I always feel like you hate me and that I'm never going to be enough for your praise?" I asked and pleaded him with my eyes to answer.

"Maxon, you have to know that I don't hate you! I love you, you're my only son and I just want the best for you." Father looked me straight in the eye.

"Just because I'm your only son-child! Would you love me even if you had another kid? If Mother could give you another kid?" My we'd started to water.

"No that's not what I meant son. I will love you no matter what." My own father stared to tear up a little.

"Maxon, dear will you give your father and I a chance to talk for a bit?" My mother laid her hand on my shoulder, but she wasn't looking at me she was looking at father.

"Yes, of course mother." I say and start to make my way back to America, wherever she was. "Don't cause a scene. Please?" I ask in a whisper to my mother. She just nodded my way and gave me a small smile.

Amberly's POV

My husband has been keeping way too many secrets from me. I could burst! How could he cheat on me? How could he beat our son! How dare he. I wanted to believe that Kriss was lying about everything that she said about Clarkson, but deep down in my heart and mind I knew that she was right. She was telling the truth. Unlike my husband.

"How could you?" I ask in a low voice to my husband once Maxon was gone.

"Amberly. I'm so so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you." My husband said just as softly.

"But you did. Clarkson, you hurt me more than I would like to admit." Tears swell in my eyes and I can't look him straight in the eye anymore. I look to the ground for comfort, but found nothing but more sadness.

"Amberly, we can fix this. We will fix this. I promise you. I will make it up to you I swear on everything I have. I love you Amberly." Clarkson pleads and tries to catch my gaze.

"Who says I'm not leaving you?" Was all I could mutter out of my mouth.

"Amberly... don't do this please."

"I really should leave you Clarkson. You are a horrible guy and father and husband."

"Amberly..." he keeps repeating my name like it will fix everything with us. It won't.

"But I'm not. I'm not leaving you. You are very very VERY lucky that I love you Clarkson. Nothing could change that. Clarkson we are bent, not broken." I finally meet his gaze and I actually hold it. I was surprised to find tears in his eyes.

"I promise I'll make it up to you! I really don't deserve you Amberly. I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I made tons of mistakes and I didn't learn from them for a long time, until now. I never thought or cared about the consequences, before now. Amberly, the worst punishment would be losing you." Clarkson said in an almost whisper that only I could hear.

I know how to read Clarkson, I know when he's lying and when he's not. He wasn't lying. I pulled him into a hug and we just stayed there for a little bit. I love him.

America's POV

A fast paced song that got everyone moving was on and most everyone was on the dance floor. I smiled and just sipped my drink slowly. This would be my life for maybe the rest of my life. A slow song comes on and someone taps my shoulder. It must be Maxon.

I turn and see not Maxon, but Clarkson. He looks scared for once in his life and I give him a small smile. Just because he was mean to me didn't mean that I needed to be mean to him.

"America would you like to dance?" Clarkson asks me and I'm startled by the question.

"Umm... yes of course I would love one." He holds out his arms and I take it before I backed out.

He lead me to the dance for and it was awkward because I didn't say anything and he didn't talk either and there was more than two feet in between us. Finally he spoke.

"I'm sorry America." He says and looks me in the eye. This must be serious because he actually looks at me.

"For what?" I say quickly. I was so lost.

"For everything. For telling Maxon not to choose you, for being so rude to you when you were only trying to help, for basically everything." I freeze on the dance floor and he stops his hands and I drop mine and it takes me a minute to soak all this information up.

He's sorry?

"To be honest you were horrible to me. You are a horrible father and husband. I'm probably the least of your worries when it comes to saying sorry. You cheated on Amberly and you beat your son. No wonder Maxon and Amberly are scared of you. You break their hearts on a daily basis." I keep my voice lower so no attention is thrown out way.

I expect a rage attack and some yelling and pointing fingers coming my way, it couldn't be more opposite. Clarkson looks down in disappointment in himself.

"I know. I guess I deserve that. I've talked to Maxon and Amberly. We all aren't in the best place but in a better one that before. I deserve to be yelled at by you, Maxon, and Amberly. Again. I'm sorry. I hope you and Maxon are happy together and you guys enjoy yourselves." Clarkson says shy-fully and with that the slow song ends and Clarkson gives me a tip of his head and walks back to his wife.

How do you feel about Clarkson now? Do you believe in second chances? Third? Forth? Will Clarkson ever gain the three of their forgiveness? Do you believe what Clarkson is telling them? Can Clarkson actually feel love for someone? Why do you think Maxon cares so much about how his dad feels for him? Please please comment and vote!!

I will post again on 8/13/18

Spoiler: Maxon and Amberly talk and Illéa decides if they want America as their queen or not.

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