No Wedding?

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Maxon's POV

There are only a couple more days till the wedding and the castle has been so quiet but so loud at the same time. America hasn't talked to me since the rebel attack, Aspen and Lucy are MIA, Kriss is off doing god knows what, dad is doing things like interviews for the papers on the wedding and blah blah blah, and lastly mother is organizing it.

Mother and Kriss haven't been getting along at all. Kriss is a control freak and a picky one at that. Kriss and mother were suppose to organize this wedding together but that didn't work out so Kriss bossed around my mom to finish the work so Kriss could do whatever she does in her free time. Then when my mother picks something Kriss starts getting picky and telling my mother it's all wrong and that she has horrible taste in everything.

Mother has complained to me about every little detail and I keep telling Kriss to stop being so picky and then Kriss always relies with "Okay love, anything for you." She then blows me a kiss and skips of to who knows where.

I walk into the ball room where the after party will be held. There is Kriss bossing my mother around again by the window telling her that it's letting to much light in.

"It's a window Kriss! It's suppose to let light in. You know the sun's light?" My Mom yelled at Kriss.

"Well it's letting too much light in. It will ruin the whole look of the room. I told you I wanted a princess themed wedding! And look what you pulled together. It looks like a five year old planned it!" Kriss yelled back at my mom.

Mother was fuming and her hands were clenched into fists. She was going to blow any second if I knew her properly. "Fine Kriss! You know what if you don't like it- YOU GO FIX IT! I'm done with all your bull crap and your bossing me around. I am queen and your soon to be mother in law. You should treat me with the proper respect that you would do a queen, your future mother in law, and also an adult much older than you." I could almost see smoke coming out of my mother's nose and ears.

"Oh yeah." Kriss did her wicked little laugh. "You're much much much older than me. I should TOTALLY respect you blah blah blah blah blah. All this bull crap and all that bull crap. Ugh. You disgust me sometimes." Kriss says and mimics my mom.

I have had enough. "Kriss! What do you think you are saying to my mother!" I yell at her and my mother's eyes widen like she was happy that someone saved her from Kriss. Kriss on the other hand just crossed her arms and looked at me up and down. "You have no respect for anyone at all do you? You always need to be right and you always need to have the upper hand don't you? You can't be wrong even if your life depended on it could you?" I say and point a finger at her.

"Well my dearest Maxon I actually do have respect for others. Well, only the ones that deserve it at least. And about the always being right and having the upper hand. Little side note: I ALWAYS have the upper hand and I am ALWAYS right. Don't try to test me Scheave." She says and walks away.

My jaw comes crashing down and I stand there shocked. What the heck was going on in that girl's head. The people will be here tomorrow and if she didn't get her act together by tomorrow we won't have a wedding.


I'm walking down the hall when America comes the other way. She keeps her head down and just looks at her shoes. I pass her silently like she has always done to me. I hate the feeling that she's less than a few feet from me yet we don't stop to talk.

"Maxon..." she whispers and I turn around and she lifts her head to meet my eyes.

"America? Are- are you okay?" I ask and I'm right by her side when she starts to cry a little.

"I don't know if I should tell you..." I don't say anything. "You have the right to know." She adds.

"Well what is it?" I say quietly and I move us to a bench that is near us.

"Kriss. She- I think- she's a rebel." America whispers so I can barley hear her.

"What?! She's a What?" I asked shocked. I heard America right I was just confused. Kriss. A rebel? Who would have thought of that? Never mind. I can see it.

I look into America's eyes. She nodded her head reassuring me that I heard her right. Then she looks back down and explains. "I was out in the garden having a little stroll- Well you know me- and then I turned the corner and heard Kriss on the phone. Maxon, she wants the northern rebels to kill your mother." Americas voice broke on the last sentence.

"Is there anyway to prove this America? Because I promise you if you try to spoil Kriss's plans she will just call you a lair and I'm sorry to say this, but Illéa will believe her over you. I mean they have only seen her nice side. They love her." I say. I choke out the word love. How could anyone love Kriss though? They should be loving America as there princess and almost queen.

"But you believe me don't you Maxon?" She asked. She looked so scared and saddened by her fact no one would believe her.

"Of course I believe you!" I say and pull her into a taught hug.

"Than why won't the people believe me? Won't they believe their prince over the princess?"

"Some people are sick of the normal royal family. The people jump when they find out that a commoner is going to be joking the royal family. That was how it was with my mother." I explain to America.

"Oh. Well I don't know what to do. I just feel so helpless and confused." America did look helpless. And maybe a bit confused.

"No worries America. Leave it to me. I'll fix everything. Just don't worry.  We will get through this." I add the last word softly. "Together."

Hello! Did you like this chapter? I sure did! It was real fun getting to yell at the Queen and Maxon. Writing fights are always so fun for me. It is also kind of hard for me too because for me I never really know what will happen and who will win. I don't even plan fights sometimes it's just the right moment and so I have them fight. Who knows when the next fight will be. Well with Kriss there is always drama.

Please please comment what you think I love hearing your thoughts and ideas! Also please vote it makes my day!!

The next time I'll post is on 6/7/18

Spoiler: the big day is coming up!!

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