The Meeting

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Maxon's POV
I heard a knock at the door at 3:58. It was the officer. Officer Anderson.
"Let him in Please" I said to the maid dusting my office.
The maid nodded her head and opened the door. Behind the door was the guard. I really hoped he was sober this time.
"And you are excused." I said and looked the maid in the eye so she knew I was talking to her. She exited the room but before that she gave me a little curtsy. The officer stepped in and shut the door behind him. He wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Hello Officer Anderson" I said breaking the silence.
"Hello Your Highness" He sheepishly said while still looking on the ground.
I chuckled "hey at least you got it right" I said giving him a little smile. He looked up slowly, with me joking he smiled a little.
"Yeah. I guess you're right"
"Yeah!! Now. Please if you want to sit" I said pointing to the seat across from me.
He awkwardly sat down and fiddled with his thumbs. Then he bursts.

"Your Highness I'm so so so so sorry. I really did think she was a rebel, and I'm just looking out for your and your family's safety and of course the selected. I thought maybe that Lady Kamber's friend would maybe like have worn something a little like nicer like. And when I saw some jeans and converse and her hair wasn't the neatest, so I like thought maybe she was a rebel. Like I said before I'm so sorry!!" I could see the worry in his eyes.

"It's fine. We all make mistakes. Now about the drinking part and you being drunk. We will not tolerate you guards and I heard, some maids, drinking. Especially when the rebels are about to strike any minute." He nodded like he understood.
"Now. I do need to find a punishment for you" I said. The color drained out of his face.
"Please I'll do anything. But a canning. I can't do that. Please!!" He begged.
I laughed at that. "No no no. I didn't mean as harsh as that. No. I meant like working a little extra. You know. And you will not be allowed to drink here at the palace. I will need to talk to the other guards but they will not be allowed too either. Too many bad things could happen if you all are drunk. What if rebels attack? What if one of the royals are hurt? All of those responsibilities that you guys have. You can't be drunk." I said.
"Yes. I get that now. If you want me to talk to the-"
I cut him off.
"No that will not be necessary" I assured him. "We already are having Sylvia talking to them." I smiled and nodded.


The dinner bell rang through out the palace. I was in my office working when it did. I rubbed my eyes and stretched a little before I got up. I meandered my way down to the dinning hall, and took my sweet little time. One more day till Lady Kamber's birthday party. I can do this. We already got the singer, the caterer, the decorations, and games planned.

I opened the doors to the dinning hall and saw all the girls stand. I motioned for them to sit down and they did. I smiled and took my place by my mom.

"Hello sweetheart" Mom said
"Hello Mom" I said not looking up.
"Is something wrong?" She Asked.
"No. Nothing's wrong. Just tired and stuff" I said nonchalantly.
"Oh. Okay. I get that, you know with the false rebel attack today" she nodded and began eating again.

That's when the dinning room door burst open. Everyone looked up. It was America standing at the door panting. I raised a questionable eye brow at her wondering what was wrong.

"Is something wrong America?" Kamber Asked to her fiend in the door way.
"Yes. Yes it is" America said coldly.
"What is it?" Kamber said worried and made her way over to her friend and put an hand on America's shoulder.
"Kam- Kambe- Kamber" She said her voice shaking. "Can we please go talk somewhere private?" America asked tears welling in her eyes.

Hello!! It's kinda a cliff hanger but no worries you'll find out in the next chapter. How did you like this chapter? Sorry it's kinda short there is not much I can write about in Maxon's POV for right now. Please remember to comment and tell me what you think!!

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