She Must Go

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Maxon's POV

I felt terrible for what I said and how I said it to America. I just wasn't sure I knew exactly where I've seen the doctor. I didn't want it to be wrong and America go blab it to someone. Which I knew she wouldn't but I just wanted to be sure. I also know that my feeling for America needed to stop. They needed to end right where they began. She would never want me. Her heart is set in Aspen. A dude who didn't notice America's worth.

I walked down to my dad's office and knocked.
"Who is it?" A stern voice asked from inside.
"Prince Maxon." I called back. My father always made me say my title and name whenever I wanted to talk to him in his office. I always thought it was stupid. But I wasn't going to cross him. Not after what he did to me last time I did.
I heard a groan "come in" my dad said.
I walked in and shut the door behind me. To my surprise I saw my mom there standing by my dad's side. Queen and King. Wow I was going to be like them someday.
"The is it son?" My dad asked impatiently.
"It's about one of the selected."
"Go on." He said bored.
"She has Cancer. Heart Cancer."
"What?!" My Mom asked worried.
"Yes. Heart Cancer. She is down in the hospital wing right at this very moment."
"That's why you weren't in your room was it?" My dad asked.
So they did know I was missing. Why didn't they come looking for me? "Yes father."
"What are we going to do?" Asked my mother.
"Send her home." Father replied.
"No. I promised her that we would help her." I said abruptly.
"Well she can get well or die with her family. She's going home." My dad said angrily.
"I said she stays here. At the palace where she can get the best care in the country."
"She's a lower caste isn't She?"
"Yes father."
"That causes even more reason. Send her home."
"So she can die?"
"Exactly. You're getting the hang of this King thing."
"What? That you just refuse a citizen in need?"
"We can't help EVERYONE MAXON!!" My dad yelled.
"She got picked to be in the Selection. She is under our care. We are responsible for her!!" I argue.
"Cancer is Cancer. We can't help. We can't do anything. So why keep her here when she could see her family and be happy."
"She's happy here!" I said loosing my temper.
"Honey. Please think this over." Mom said looking at dad. "She's just a teenage girl who has cancer. We can help."
"No. My final answer is no."
"Dad this is my selection and I am responsible for the girl. If I say she has the right to stay here it's MY choice. Not yours. Not moms. MINE. So the girl is staying. LADY KAMBER IS STAYING IN THIS CASTLE AND YOU'RE GOING TO BE OKAY WITH IT AND LIKE IT." I said surprising myself by the loudness.
"Maxon. If you feel so strongly about this girl, let her go. Let her go to her family." My dad said quietly but stern.
"No. She needs the help we can offer her here. She's poor dad. She can't pay for a good doctor like we can."
"No. What if the news found out one of the selected had Cancer. Do you know what that would do to our reputation?"
"That's all you care about? How you look to your citizens? Really dad. I didn't think you were that shallow."
"Clarkson calm down please!!" Mother begged.
"You hear me Maxon? The girl. That nuisance. That. That poor ungrateful girl. She must go."
"King I beg of you."
"No. She must go. That's final. Now you may leave. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Good day young sir."
I knew not to talk anymore. I turned on my heels and left. I slammed the door. I could almost hear mother wince at the impact.

I walked down to my room. I had my maids make a bubble bath ready for me. I undressed and got into the tub. I relax. I thought. I wasn't going to let my father abandon her in time of need. Kamber needed my help. I was going to get that for her. I was going to help her. That's when I heard a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Your highness your mother is at the door she would like to speak to you."
"Tell her I'll be out in five!" I called back.
"Of course your highness."
I got out of the tube and dried off and put new clothes on. I didn't have time to dry my hair so I just let it fall wet and limp on my forehead. I walked out of the bathroom. My mom was looking at stuff on my desk. I walked over and looked over her shoulder. She was looking at some of the pictures of the selected I had.

"Hello mother." I startled her.
"Oh hello my dear Maxon." She turned and smiled.
"What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"
"The selected girl."
"Which one? There are 35 of them." I asked. I knew if I said that in front of my father his wrath would come down around me like a cocoon. But with my mom she just laughed.
"Lady Kamber."
"Ohhh what about her?"
"Maxon Calix Scheave you know exactly what I'm talking about." She said in a playful tone.
"Yeah yeah yeah I do. So what about her Cancer though?"
"I want to help. What your father said and did was not what I was hoping for. So as Queen. I'm allowing her to stay. Just don't tell your dad. He would kill me literally." My Mom was serious to the bone. He would totally have no hesitation to bring down his wrath on me and my mom if he found out about Kamber staying here.

But the thing is. He wasn't going to find out.

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