Wedding Rings

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Kriss's POV

Finally. This was the day that I would become Maxon's wife. The power, money, castle, everything! Will be mine. All I would need to do is hold Maxon's Interrogation off for just a few more minutes and his need for rebellion against his father to marry America. If I succeed in that then everything will be right! I will soon become princess then Queen and I will rule Illéa by Maxon's side. Well I might take over Maxon and change it up a bit. He will be in my shadow as I rule.

My question is how the heck did he fingers out about the Northern Rebel thing? No one knows besides me. Well and my maids. Oh my gosh if my maids told I would have them executed for treason against the future queen.

"Any protests against this Marriage please speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said and looked out at the audience. I looked out and straight at America. If she stood I would go over there and tackle her myself. Good thing she was just looking down at her ugly nails. I look back at Maxon and he is also looking at that five. I know she's not a five anymore but in my mind she will always be a five.

America's POV

I look at my nails. They suddenly seemed so interesting. The swirly pattern and jewels enhanced me- well more than the wedding that was going on -Marlee kept looking over at me like she was expecting me to interject and stop the wedding. One thing I wasn't going to do. If Maxon wanted me then he would need to say that himself! I was not going to embarrass myself standing up and pronouncing my love for him just to get rejected.

No one said anything so I the wedding went on. I take one quick glance at Maxon and he looked at his dad and I couldn't see King Clarkson's expression but all I could see was Maxon's. He looked scared and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down like he was swallowing his pride.

Maxon finally looked away from his father and closed his eyes and breathed in and out a couple times before he looked back at me. Our eyes met for what seemed like years. His eyes begging me to tell him what to do. The thing is I didn't even know what I wanted to do. I quickly avert my eyes and look at my next distraction. Kriss's too poofy dress and how it really shined in the lights.

"So no one doesn't approve of this wedding so the next step is to ask the parents." The priest looked at Kriss's family first.

"We happily agree of this marriage and we want to wish you two the best fo luck and-" I promise you Kriss's Mom and dad would have gone on and on forever if the priest didn't stop them.

"Great! Thank you so much for the acceptance. The royal family?" The priest then looked at Maxon's Mom and dad.

"Umm well I don't really agree with-" Amberly started and then her husband cut her off.

"We approve of this wedding! We will happily accept Kriss into our wonderful family." King Clarkson said and I guessed he smiled for the camera because there was a brief pause.

Maxon's POV

I can't believe my father. I wanted to stop the wedding and run into America's arms. I wanted to marry America. I looked over at my father when we were waiting to see if anyone disapproved of the wedding and he could like read my mind or something and he mouthed to me.

"If you run over to that Five then I promise you you will never become King and you will never be happy. That five can't make you happy. Or at least I, myself will make you unhappy. Let's see" he puts his finger to his chin like he was thinking. He only said one word and that one word scared me to death. "Whips"

I swallowed quickly and looked away from my father and back into Kriss's eyes. She was just looking at me adoringly and she squeezed my hands almost threatening me to rebel against the wedding.

America's POV

The wedding goes on and on. I didn't listen to any of it until the vows are said. Kriss was first. I needed to hold in my gag when she started and went on for ages about the same thing.

"Maxon. Oh my dear Maxon! I have loved you from the minute I laid my eyes on you. You are so amazing I couldn't even describe how much you mean to me. I've known for a long time how much you love me and even through that hard time in your life when you liked another selected" she coughed something that sounded like my name and kept going. "Sorry I had something in my throat. Well I've just known that we would finally wed at some point and well this is it. The day where I marry my best friend, my soul mate, and most importantly my true love. I love you so much Maxon and I would die a thousand times for you." Kriss said and started balling at the end. I rolled my eyes and then looked back at the bride and groom.

Maxon was looking over at me quickly and started laughing a little bit. He broke into a smile and tried to hold in the laugh. He must have caught my eye roll. Well Kriss thought that smile and laugh was for her and she broke into a big smile too.

Maxon didn't write his vows and just the traditional vows and put the ring onto Kriss's left ring finger. I didn't even realize that Kriss put one on his left ring finger too. My breath caught in my throat after seeing that he was actually getting married. I twiddled with the ring on my left ring finger that Aspen bought me. I looked at it and just twisted it around and around.

"You May now kiss the bride." The priest said and I looked up just in time to see Maxon fairly pulling Kriss to him and giving her a peck on the lips. I looked down quickly once again and pulled off my wedding ring.

Hello!! How are you liking the story?? I am loving it! I did some POV changes and I hope you liked it like that. You got to see what Kriss was thinking while she was up on the alter as well as America's thoughts as she sat in the audience and Maxon's view as he struggled with deciding what he really wants. I know some people want to see Lucy's pov and I promise I will get around to it!! She's just not playing a huge part in the story right now and I want to do it later in the story.

Please comment! I love reading you comments. I love seeing my readers agree on something's (like how much you hate Kriss) and things like that. I try to respond to most of the comments! Also please please vote!! It makes me so happy when you vote.

I will post on 6/13/18

Spoiler: the reception is coming up!!

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