The Outfit

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America's POV
The morning was a buzz. I woke up to the maids pulling back the curtains that block out the sunlight. When the maids saw that I stirred they were at my side in seconds.
"Lady America! You're finally awake." One of them said and pulled back the covers to help me get out of bed.
"Yes I am." I said and rubbed my eyes. "When does the party start?" I Asked.
"2:00" another one said.
"What Time is it now?"
"Can you make me a bubble bath?" I said sleepily.
"Of course Lady America!" The last one said happily.
"Wait. I never got your names" I said and looked at each one of them.
"I'm Lucy" the smaller one said quietly.
"I'm Anne" Anne said boldly. I could tell she was the leader of the three of them.
"And I'm Mary" Mary said.
With how each one said their name I could tell their places in the group.
"Well hello Mary, Anne, and Lucy." I said and smiled at them which made them smile.
"We better get going on your bubble bath Lady-"
I cut Anne off.
"Call me America. No Lady. Just America." I said.
"Of course whatever you want La- I mean America" Anne said catching herself just in time.

With that they were off into the bathroom to get my bubble bath ready. I got up and paced the room. Left to right, right to left, up to down, and down to up. I finally went on my Terrace and looked at the beautiful garden. I was glad I got a room with the outlook of a garden and not something like the pool. I breathed in the fresh Angels air just like I did when I got there.

"America, your bath is ready" Lucy said quietly. It had only seemed like a few seconds, but I knew that it was more like five minutes that she was out there.
"Ok." I said and walked into the bathroom. "You May leave." I said and watched them stare at me.
"But we usuall-"
"Not this time please. I like to you know have baths in private" I said and tried not to sound rude.
"As you wish America." Mary said and walked out of the room with Lucy and Anne following in suit.
"Just tell me when 30 minutes is up" I called back at them.
"Of course" one of them said. I couldn't decipher who.

I got undressed and sunk into the great big tub slowly. I stopped when only my face was above the bubbles. I breathed in and out. I could tell they used a lavender and vanilla bubble bath mixture. I loved the scent and just relaxed in it. I thought about what I learned yesterday about Kamber and what they are going to do. All I know is that they aren't going to tell the King and Queen and maybe not even Prince Maxon. The only people who know is the doctors, me, and Kamber.

I was thinking for so long, but like what happened on the Terrace the time passed so quickly. I heard a knock at the door.
"Yes?" I answered.
"It's been 30 minutes like you Asked America" Anne said. I knew it was Anne because she said it strongly like she wasn't afraid of anything.
"Yes. Thank you. I'll be out in a few minutes." I responded.
I got out and put a towel around my self to cover my body. I also used another towel to wrap my hair in. I walked out and saw Anne straighting a dress out on the bed. Lucy by the doorway and closing the door, she had necklaces on one wrist, bracelets on the other, earrings in one hand and rings in the other. Mary was at Lucy's side with a cart full of shoes. Most of the shoes were black and white.
"America you're out already! Okay. So we already picked a dress for you to wear to Lady Kamber's birthday party. We hope you like it!" Anne said picking up the dress on the bed carefully and holding it to show me. It was so not me. Lots of sparkles and rhinestones.
"Actually I have a dress from my house that I would love to wear." I said and moved towards my luggage.
"America." Lucy said shyly. "Is the dress black or white?"
"No. It's purple" I said. "Why"
"The theme is black and white masquerade." Lucy said so quiet I could barely hear her.
"Oh. Then I guess not" I laughed a little and they smiled. "But could you maybe get me a dress with less sparkles?" I asked.
"Of course America" Mary said and went out of the room leaving the shoe cart in the room.

About 10 minutes later Mary came back with a bag.
"I hope this is something you like" She said a little out of breath. I walked to her and took the bag. It was heavy. "Since you wanted to change and we didn't have time to make a new one this is the only non-extravagant one there is."
Make them? They made the dresses. Well now I feel bad.
"Well let's see what it looks like." I said eagerly wanting to see he dress.

I unzipped the front of the bag. Inside was a plain black dress but it made up for its plainness by the style and the skirt. It had a heart shaped neckline and was tight fitting all the way till the hips. On the hip was one sparking line of diamonds twisting around my hips. Once at the hips is flared out and went till it reached the floor in big waves. The front was just a tinny bit higher than the back so the front didn't touch the ground and went up to my ankles, while the back trailed behind me.

"I love it!!" I squealed and hugged Mary. "Thank you so much." I smiled at her and she smiled back pleased that I liked it so much.
"Now since you don't have almost any sparkles on your dress, you need to have them on you wrist, neck, and or hair." Lucy said coming up to me with her arms still full of jewelry.
"I like this and that and maybe this one. Oh and don't forget this." I said
I picked a heart shaped diamond necklace and a matching bracelet. Then I chose a tear dropped shaped diamond earrings and matching ring to go on my right middle finger.
"Next is the shoes" Anne said pointing to the whole rack of them. I moved over to Anne and looked at them. I picked some white ones with a closed pointy toe. They were mostly plain besides the back which had a single line of rhinestones going down the heel.
"The last thing is hair" Mary said pushing me over to the vanity. I sat and she started working. "Up or down?"
"We are going to do a up do then" she said and brushed my long red hair out. It was still wet from the shower so she blow dried it. Anne and Lucy gathered around and watched Mary do her thing. They handed her hair tools when She needed them. In about a half an hour Mary had managed to put all my hair up into a curly mess of a bun. She did a braid on both sides back into the bun and honestly it looked really cool. She had some of my hair not in the bun on purpose and it looked gorgeous.

Next was the makeup. Because of the mask they were going to do mascara and a light shade of eyeshadow and some eyeliner. The they put some pink blush on me and a butt load of stuff on my lips. Lip liner, lip stick, and lip gloss over the lip stick. Since I had almost no pores or pimples they didn't need to put foundation or cover up on me.

They got me into my dress and then put my shoes on, while I needed to lay on the bed so they could put them on because I couldn't touch my feet. Next they helped me stand and they put the necklace on. Next they put some black silky gloves over my hands that went up to my elbows and then the bracelet and ring. Lastly for jewelry they put my earring on me. They wouldn't let me look in the mirror till they were finished. I really wanted to see what I looked like but didn't look and obeyed them. They put something in my hair on my bun that I didn't know about and I wasn't paying attention when they brought it over. Lastly they pulled out a lacy black mask with one rhinestone on the corner of the eye.

"Done!" They squealed and turned me around to face myself in the mirror.
"Oh. My. Lord." I walked up the mirror but almost tripped. I took in the dress and the shoes. The jewelry and the mask. The makeup and the hair. Hair. They put a sparkly comb in my hair that looked like a mini crown. Something I've seen in the little mermaid that Ariel's sisters wear.
"You like?" Anne asked raising an eyebrow.
"I don't like" I said matter a factly. I saw their faces fall.
"I'm so sor-"
I cut Anne off.
"I love!" I screamed. I looked so elegant and regal. Something I totally wasn't. But it kinda felt nice.
"We have about an hour and we still need to paint your nails." Lucy said and went to get nail polish.

Yes yes yes. It's a long chapter!! But I wanted this whole thing to be in one chapter because you know you gotta know what America looks like. Sorry if I didn't really play to America's personality at the end it's just I figured she would be happy to go to her best friend's birthday party.

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