Truth or Dare (part one)

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Maxon's POV

I go room to room that afternoon and ask if anyone wants to play truth or dare with me. I get America, Lucy, Aspen, Anne, Marlee, Carter, and Mary. Kriss says she doesn't want to sit on the gross grass outside and in the sun. Then my parents are busy signing papers.

All eight of us go outside in the garden and sit down on some non-dirty grass that is dry. We sit in circle that goes clockwise like this.

Me, America, Aspen, Lucy, Marlee, Carter, Mary, and then on my right is Anne.

"So who's wants to go first?" I ask and no one said anything. Finally when no one made a peep I was about to go.

"I will." America says and raises her hand slightly.

"Okay. Truth or dare someone. We all get no skips. But if the dare would get us in trouble or someone so mad that they would try to kill us- then no." I state the rules quickly.

Everyone just nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Ummm... let's see. How about- Aspen Truth or Dare?" America asks and raises an eyebrow playfully which makes him laugh.

"Dare. I'm a daredevil" Aspen says and raised his eyebrow back at America.

"Not for long..." America smiles. I longed for a fun relationship like that. "Okay Daredevil go inside the palace and the first guard you see you need to kiss him, tell him you love him and you've always have, them run away." America smirked.

"Challenge accepted." Was all Aspen said and with that he and America got up and ran to the castle.

America's POV

Aspen and I run into the castle- good thing I had worn some jeans and a blouse and some converse- we ran and then when aspen saw one of the guards standing outside the main entrance to the palace he went up to them and kissed them.

"I love you! I've always loved you!" He screamed and smiled and bolted back to me and we took off running again to the others, leaving the confused guard behind.

When we were running Aspen took my hand and squeezed it. A dork went through me. It reminded me of old times we used to hang out with each other and run around the town.

Finally we plopped down again in our seats and we both were breathing heavily and it didn't help we were laughing so hard.

"You should have seen the look on Andy's face!" Aspen laughed and everyone joined in.

Maybe Maxon was right. We just needed a bonding time together to bring us closer.

Aspen asked truth or dare to Mary and then Mary asked it to Lucy and then it went on and on. After the first round of everyone going we see Kriss walking over with the King and Queen.

"Can we join?" They all three ask. Maxon quickly nodded his head and Kriss ran around to him and sat down right in the middle of Maxon and I while Amberly and Clarkson sat next to each other in between Carter and Mary.

Maxon stated the rules again and Kriss wanted to add one more thing I guess because she raised her hand. "Yes Kriss?" Maxon asked looking at her.

"No kissing, holding hands, etc." she stated loud and clear.

"Kriss. We aren't in kinder garden. I think we can handle that sort of stuff. Unless you can't handle it then I guess we all have a problem." Maxon said quickly and that shut her up.

Amberly's POV

Maxon let me go because I was new to the group. So of course I was going to pick on Maxon.

"Maxon, darling Truth or Dare?" I asked. I knew my boy. He was going to choose dare. Always wanted to act more manly.

"Dare." He said and looked at me intensely. Almost daring me to give him a hard one.

"Kiss-" I hear Kriss sigh because she knew I wasn't going to say her name anytime soon. I ignored her and kept going. "Kiss America." Was the two words that came out of my mouth.

"Darling! Don't you think it wouldn't be right for Maxon to clearly cheat on his wife. I know this is truth or dare but what if news gets out? What would the press think!" My dear husband said.

"Clarkson. Do you see any press around? Any cameras? Anyone besides the people in this circle? Anyone who doesn't work for you?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Then it's all good. Nothing bad will happen. Stop being a worry wart or I'll kick you out of this game myself." I say and that makes him be quiet. Even though Clarkson was a bit of a jerk at times I knew that he secretly loved this game.

"Mom..." Maxon started to say.

"Kiss her. You are the one who made up that no one can pass on truth or dare." I say and he rolls his eyes.

America blushes profusely and looks at Aspen who nods. Maxon moves around Kriss who has her arms folded and is scowling at all three of us. Then I see it. What I have always wanted from the beginning. For Maxon and America to kiss.

They do a quick peck and then it only happened for a moment but I caught it. They both leaned in again but then decided not to kiss again because everyone was watching. I started clapping. Most of them laughed. You could see by the look on some of their faces who wanted the kiss to happen and who didn't.

Kriss's POV

We all go again and now after answering how many guys I dated it was finally my turn to go.

"America. Truth or dare?" I ask and hoped with all my might she would choose truth.

"Truth." She says in her sugary sweet voice that I can't stand.

"What is one thing that you think King Clarkson is doing wrong as a king?" I ask perfectly. America's smile fades and she looks down.

"Sweetheart that isn't a very-" Maxon starts to say.

"She has to answer darling. You are the one who made up the rules." I say and smile at him. Then I look back at America and give her a little smirk.

"Well to be totally honest I think he should pay a little more attention to the people in the lower castes." America says. She looks at the king and he glares at her. She glares back.

"Would you like to say more on the topic Miss. America?" King Clarkson sneers.

"No thank you." America smiles at him and then asks Amberly truth or dare.

How do you like the game so far? I like it. Please feel free to comment what you think of it!! I love to read them and reply. If I don't reply sometimes- just a little warning- then my WattPad is acting up. Sometimes it just doesn't load or it won't let me type or respond. Also please please vote!! Also did you like when I did multiple POVs comment who's POV you would want to see!!

(Comment dares or truths you want the characters to asker. Maybe more dares? It can include more then just America, Maxon, and Kriss by the way.)

I'll post next on 6/28/18

Spoiler: more truth or dare

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