Friday the 13th(Part Two)

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"Hey, (y/n)!" Kim shouted startling a bunch of students, including himself. And me. 

An embarrassed smile spread across his face, his cheeks crimson, as he quickened his stride. "That was louder then I thought. But uh, hi...I, uh, just wanted to say that it was really nice to hang out with you. And I was wondering if-"

My attention is suddenly drawn towards an elderly man stumbling to the ground. Hesitant at first, I notice no one else moving towards him. Unable to just stand there and just do nothing, I rushed to the elderly man's side. "Sir, are you alright?"

A small smile graced the man's face as I handed him his walking stick, avoiding my school bag sliding down my arm, and guided him to his feet. "Aren't you kind? I am okay, young man. I appreciate the help though. So, few would stop to help an old man like me."

A small blush crept along my cheeks. "I try not to be like others...But I am glad you're not hurt."

The man stepped closely to give me a handshake-or so I thought, until I felt his frail arms around me in a hug. As soon as this hug started he unwrapped his arms from me and disappeared down the street without another word. 

I slung my bag over my shoulder as Kim cleared his throat, "So...Uh, that was fun. Do you know him?"


"No?" Kim looked shocked, "And he...hugged you?" 

I smiled at Kim's raised eyebrow, "I have that effect on people." 

"LOOK! CAT NOIR AND LADYBUG!!" Someone shouted from a few blocks down. 

Without another thought I ran towards the sound, unaware if Kim was following after or not.

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