Meanwhile, Back At School(Part Two)

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It can't be...He seems so familiar.

Can he really be Cat Noir? No! No way...

I am obviously just trying to plaster Cat's identity to this kid because they are both blonde...And have incredible green eyes...And a pretty nice body...

The kid named Adrien's face contorted a little in confusion and reality set in. Kim and the others all stared with concerned expressions, forcing me to realize that I had not let go of Adrien's hand yet.

Immediately, I felt the blush creep into my cheeks. I pulled my hand away from him and cleared my throat. "Sorry about that. You just reminded me of someone..."

Kim forced a smile and-jealously-laid a strong hand on my shoulder. "Anyone I should be concerned about, (Y/N)? Because I am down for a challenge...Just saying."

"No need to worry...I always found him," I glanced back Adrien,  "a little....catty."

I felt Ayra headbutt me from within my bag. 

"Don't." She whispered 

Adrien's face seemed to twitched slightly, but still smiling he held my gaze. "Lucky me, huh?"

"Or lucky us?! Am I right?! I mean I feel lucky having you around!" The girl formally introduced as Marinette began blabbing while Alya face-palmed, and Nino grinned. 

So...if he's Cat...that would mean...

"Looks like you're her Lucky Charm or something." 

Marinette gulped visibly.

"(Y/N)! Shush." Ayra punched my leg with her little fist.

"That's one way of putting it." Alya chuckled.

"Yeah, the polite way." Nino laughed loudly, lightening the mood.

Suddenly the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. Although it may have been my imagination, I thought I caught sight of Adrien sigh in relief. 

And the plot thickens...

"Hey, (y/n)" Kim glanced at his hand-still placed upon my shoulder-and withdrew it with an awkward smile. We began walking away from the quad and towards our next class. "I"m...sorry. About that...I guess...I may be a little...jealous, I don't know, of Adrien."

I elbowed him gently to lift his gaze from the floor. "You don't say! I never would've guessed. But seriously, Kim, why?"

He smirked before it melted into a sad half smile, "It sounds stupid but the last time that I really liked someone...well, let's just say she thought Adrien was a better investment..."

"Nonsense." I spoke, nudging him again. "Sure, Adrien is dreamy; but you, Kim-"

He stopped walking and stared me in the eyes, "Yeah?"

"Kim. You're-" An explosion sounded from outside the school accompanied by a villainous laugh, cutting me off "...gonna have to excuse me."

I turned to leave but Kim protectively grabbed my arm, "Where are you going? Whatever that was could try and target you when you're alone." 

His grip loosens a little and his face fell. "Besides...we were in the middle of talking. I thought when we got to safety we could finish that thought of yours...?"

I slipped out of his grip. "I really, really want to. But--uhh, those may have been bad mashed potatoes if you catch my drift?"

His face contorted for a second but he just nodded. "Noted...I guess...I'll be waiting for you then?"

"Yeah." I pecked him on the cheek before rushing to the nearest bathroom. 

As soon as the door shut behind me, Ayra flew out of my bag. "Took you long enough."

"Sass me later?" I pulled but my sleeve revealing the bracelet. "Ayra? Plumage Up!"

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