Cat's out of the Bag?

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Cat smirked, "As much as I'd love that; we both know that we can't reveal our identities."

I shrugged, taking a few steps backwards. "It was worth a try."

Cat took a bow before using his staff to make a grand exit. I sighed heavily to myself, watching him leave. 

"See you at school...Adrien."

(>>Time skip, my beautiful nerds>>)

"(Y/N)? You barely touched your lunch?" Kim's eyes softened as he scanned my face intently, "Is something wrong?"

I smiled weakly, "Nah...I'm alright..."

He got up and walked around the table to sit next to me in one swift movement. He wrapped his arm around me and nudged his shoulder gently into mine a few times, "Oh, that was super convincing. I know for sure that you're perfectly fine."

I couldn't help but chuckle, my spirit lifting a little. "Anyone ever tell you that you're stubborn?"

He smiled, his fingers lacing around mine. "But also cute?"

"Hm. Maybe a little funny at times?" I shook my head.

"As well as handsome?" Kim slowly inched closer to my face. His eyes searching mine.

"Ah, you meant insufferable?" I stared deeply into his eyes in return.

"Did you say attractive? Or beautiful? Cute? Desirable?" He closed the gap even more, a smirk on his face.

"Search the whole alphabet," I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as he got closer to bringing his lips to my own, "but my lips are sealed."

He bit his lip, "Guess we'll have to work on that, huh?"

An inch away from contact, the sound of shattering glass causes us to jump apart. Feeling a nudge from within my cardigan pocket, I was on my feet instantly. "C'mon, Kim."

I reached out to grab his hand but as the being closed the distance between us, Kim looked over his shoulder at me. "Hide."

"What about you, you idiot?!" 

He chuckled, "Don't worry your pretty little head about me. Ladybug, Cat Noir, or Paon will find a way to set things right. Go."

I sighed as Ayra nudged me harder. "Why are you so cute but so dumb?!"

He smiled at me before I ran off, "You finally called me cute. Victory."

I ducked into the closest bathroom, Ayra flying out of my pocket before the door even closed. "Took you long enough."

"Sass me later?" I smiled at her.

She crossed her little arms and laughed, "Oh, I promise. But lets go."

"Ayra! Plumage u-"

"Plagg! Claws ou-"

Blinding light filled the room, but not before Adrien and I locked eyes.

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt.

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now