...Such Sweet Sorrow...(Part 1)

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"What are you saying?" Cat's voice broke the silence.

Ayra continued snuggling against my cheeks as I felt the pain in my throat. "I just can't do it anymore, Cat. I think...we might have to...we should...break up..."

"I think that's our cue," Ladybug grabs hold of Rose-who is waiting with bated breath and tears welling in her eyes-and starts walking away from Cat and I. "They've got some things to talk about; alone. Let's get you home."

"(Y/N)...You...You can't be...you're not serious, are you?"

Silence fills the space between us and Cat's miraculous' beeps echo around the empty alley. When the silence feels all but suffocating, its Ayra who breaks it. "His heart is set on it...If (Y/N) doesn't feel like he can do this anymore, we should support him. Both of us..."

"You want me to support breaking up with him?! Ayra! C'mon! This isn't just a fling-we've been through so much and I--" Chat looks away, tears threatening to spill from his ducts. He clears his throat and looks back at me, as the miraculous beeps again. "I can't imagine my life without you."

More silence before he sighs, rubbing his eyes aggressively, and says in almost a whisper. 

"Plagg, claws in." Without another word, he turns to walk away in silence. Before he gets too far, I'm running up to him, finally able to find words. 

"I don't want to live without you either. But people know that Cat Noir and I are dating....They don't know about Adrien and I." I lay a hand on his shoulder.

"That's the same thing, dummy." Adrien shakes his head sadly. 

"But they don't know that...And I'm doing this so they won't ever know who Chat Noir really is. If Cat and I had a huge, public breakup...then I found solace in the arms of my dear sweet friend Adrien...well then no one will be the wiser. We just have to space out taking our relationship public far enough from the break up and we'll-"

"Stop!" Adrien pulls away slightly, "Stop acting like you're okay!"


"You're throwing away being a super hero and all you care about is making sure I'm not found out! I don't understand why you-"

"Because you're more important to me." I grab both sides of his face. "Fuck that. You're the most important thing in my life, and, sure, it'll suck not being a dashing hero anymore...But if you'll agree to deal with this convoluted bullshit-and any of my bullshit in the future-and just continue to be my dashing boyfriend, then I don't mind."

 "You...you really mean that?" His hands rest on my waist and he takes a step closer. 

Now inches apart, I make my choice. "Duh. I love you, Adrien Agreste."

His lips crush mine for a long tender moment, before he pulls back slightly to whisper a breath away from my ear, "And I love you, (Y/N) (L/N). More then you'll ever know."


"You can't be serious!" Cat Noir yelled at me, pretending not to notice the growing crowd. Ayra stifled a giggle from inside my pocket, because there was no way she was leaving without seeing this first. "You do this all the time!"

I feigned shock as reporters continued filming the spectacle. "How dare you! It's a valid concern! You're with her what seems like every day!  And the two of you share some sort of connection that we don't!" 

"She's just my partner. Its not like-" 

"But does she know your identity?! Because that's the one secret you'll never share with me! And I just bet you share everything with each other!" I puffed up my chest, delicately walking this charade down the line of believable and exaggeration.

"You know what?"

"What? And it better not be that we're done!"

"Why not?!" He threw his hands into the air. "This oughta be good!" 

"Because I'm gonna say we're done! We're over! Have fun with Ladybug, Cat Noir! If that is your real name." I had to hold back my laughter as I 'stormed' away. 

When we got a far enough distance, Ayra and I cracked up. We were laughing messes by the time Adrien ran into the alley. "I don't think anyone followed me."

"Good job out there. Just know I wanted to call you Cheat Noir, but didn't want to give you a bad rep." I smiled at him, and Adrien joined in the laughter. 

"Thanks, I guess. Now people can go back to assuming I'm pining after Ladybug." He held my hands for a long moment just smiling. 

Then he looked down at Ayra, suddenly sad. She flew over and nudged his face affectionately, "Don't worry. I'm sure I'll see you again, dummy. Just take care of (Y/N) or I'm gonna get you."

She threw up little fists and I laughed lightly. Adrien nodded in affirmation with a smile on his face. "Consider me warned. But you have nothing to worry about. I'll protect him until my last breath. You just stay beautiful, okay?" 

"As if I could be anything else." She fluttered back to my side and I leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "I'll see you later?"

"Of course. You two have fun!"

"Fun? I think he's confused..." Ayra sighed, then she looked at me with mix of confusion and sorrow. "Well? Are we ready...?"

"You really thought I'd just pop this thing off and that'd be the end of it? You're crazy. C'mon! You're stuck with me for the whole day. So, how about we start with some ice cream?" 

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now