Me-ow...(Part 3)

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Suddenly, the pressure cutting off my oxygen disappears and I crumple to the ground in a heap. Through blurry eyes, I see what looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle offering me a hand. "Dude, that looks like it hurts. Good thing I came along when I did. Otherwise you'd be gonzo."

Seriously...Nino's a hero, too?! 

I shook away my disbelief to take his hand. "Thanks a million. But how about we finish this now and I'll praise you later?"

"Perfect." He smiled quickly before turning to Chat and Ladybug. Both are recovering as a shell like item soars back into Nino's hand. "A little kwami told me that you guys may need a hand from Carapace. Y'all ready to finish this wicked tiny dancer?"

Chat glances at me, a blush covering his face. "I could go for some payback...What do you say, Paon?" 

"Alright then, lets hit her with everything we got! It's time for Myrtha's final curtain call!" Ladybug called us to arms.


"Lucky Charm!"

"Paon Rising!"



"Well, well..." Cat's voice came from behind me as I landed on the roof of my favorite restaurant, each of our miraculous beeps in warning, "Fancy meeting you here."

"Following me now?" I asked turning to face him with a crooked smile. "If you wanted to go out to dinner you could of just asked."

He takes a step towards me, the light from our transformations blending together. When Adrien Agreste steps out of the other side, he approaches me still as confident, "Ooh...That's what we're doing here, huh?"

"That's what I'm doing here," I said stepping towards the roof access door. "I don't know what you had in mind for the rest of the night." 

He steps up behind me and gently grabs me by the arm, "How about I show you?"

I turn around with a smirk, "This ought to be--"

Suddenly, his lips meet mine as we stand in the moonlight. A warmth spreads from my cheeks all over my body. 

I hear a soft moan escape my lips, and feel as his mouth perks into a smile. His hands wrap around my waist and I feel him pull me closer and then...

I push him away. Flustered, I take a step back. "I...I can't do this..." 

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now