Author's apology(?)

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Hey there, all! :)

First, let me start by saying I'm truly sorry that I haven't updated in a while. It's just a trying time currently for me, so I had to resort to taking more hours at work. Adulting is fun. haha So please, if you could, have faith that I will post as soon as I possibly can. :) 

And if you haven't yet and you're waiting for me to update this story, then why not check out my other works until I can post a new chapter? I have not complete any stories, but who knows, maybe you'll find something you like?

Any who, I just wanted to say that I appreciate the support; all of the comments asking me to update helped remind me that people were actually interested in what I was writing. Of course that's because of Cat but that's alright; I'll live. ;P

Thank you for understanding and hopefully-if my schedule permits, you won't have to wait months for the next update. 

Stay beautiful, friends. <3 


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