Bye Bye Birdie

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Her screaming rampage is cut short as she is thrown off-balance and crashes to the floor. I catch a glance of Carapace's shell whirling back into his hands. "Let's slow our role, Banshee. And take it down a few notches. No reason to be screaming in Paon's face; he's a pretty chill dude."

I take this moment of clarity to unsheathe my tessen, using the momentum to glide away from her. When I land again, I take up a defensive stance, waiting for an opening. 

Maybe she'll just tire herself out?

Almost immediately, Banshee screeches madly from the ground. Digging her claws into the pavement, she whips her attention to Carapace and Rena who stand close to each other. Worry takes over Rena's face as she glances over to Ladybug who is circling around to flank Banshee. 

But then, Banshee flips effortlessly to stand on her feet again, before wailing in their direction. Without hesitating Carapace steps in front of Rena, futilely, trying his best to shield her. As Rena starts to bring her flute to her lips, Banshee redoubles her efforts causing the flute to go flying out of her hands as Carapace slams into Rena.

Before I'm able to register what's happening next, Banshee somehow locks onto Ladybug without even looking behind her and blasts her with an ear-shattering scream. Ladybug tries to block the attack with her yoyo spinning in exhausting circles, while Cat Noir runs up behind Banshee for an assist.


Cat's staff connects with the back off Banshee's head. But instead of deterring her attack, Cat finds himself in her grip as her hand reaches behind her and strongly grabs him. With no effort at all, his body is sent hurtling into the sound waves pummeling Ladybug. He gets caught up in the stream and slams into the spotted herorine. 

A new anger boils in my core, as I watch Cat get tossed around like a rag doll. My defensive stance melts into an offensive one, and in seconds I'm hurtling towards her. Banshee turns her eyes onto me, and she takes another deep breath before bellowing again. 

With ease-and most likely the help of the thermals in the air-I'm able to dip and dive across the battlefield, closing the distance between us, and avoiding her scream stream. With my timing just right, I seize the moment she inhales to slam my feet into her chest.

Joy overtakes me as I feel contact.

Before its replaced with shock, when I feel her claws lock around my ankles and yank. The back of my head slams into the ground, and while I'm disoriented she doesn't let up. In one fluid motion she leans over my dazed form, and screams directly in my face.

I can feel the warmth as blood starts to trickle out of my ears. I kick against her grip, trying with no avail to break free. Even my tessen seem useless as her grip only tightens and her scream seems unrelenting. 

When I feel close to blacking out, I see Ladybug's yoyo wrap around her body, pinning her arms to her sides. Without wasting a moment, Cat's face appears over her shoulder and fear fills his eyes as he takes in my state. In seconds, his staff is pressed against her throat, forcing her to stop screaming and focus on trying to breathe instead.

Then from the other side, a shadow shoots across my vision as Carapace slams shell first into Banshee. In that moment of relief, I feel gentle hands pull me to safety. My eyes focus on Rena's bruised and bloody face as she helps me to my feet. I bow my head to her, "I owe you one. Thank you."

"We're heroes. It's what we do." She smiles briefly at me, before looking back at the three others still struggling to subdue Banshee. 

"Enough of this." Carapace takes a step back to join Rena and I. "Ladybug, Cat? On the count of three, just get back. Rena, and I have a plan. We just need Paon, and for you two to trust us."

Both Ladybug and Cat Noir nod, despite the look of concern in Adrien's eyes. Rena pats me on the back, drawing my attention away from Cat. "You up for it? You just gotta go for the necklace shaped like a music note around her neck. It shines each time she screams, so that has to be where the Akuma is." 

"I trust you guys. After all, you just saved my life." I tighten my grip on my tessen, full of a new resolve. 

Rena nods, stares at me hard for a moment-as if she's committing all of my features to memory.  Then she exchanges a look with Carapace and smiles, "Let's banish this banshee."



Carapace and Rena shout at the same time. Carapace's fortified bubble surrounds us, as Rena's flute fills the bubble with a smoke hiding us from view. Carapace's voice carries out of the bubble, "One!"

He leans towards me as the smoke continues to swirl concealing our own vision, and whispers to me, "On the count of three, just focus on the Akuma. Don't think, just go."

"Two!" Rena shouts as Carapace directs me quietly. 

Just as quick as it appeared, the smoke begins to recede. Some of it seems to remain  in constructs vaguely human-shaped, and quickly sharpening to resemble my own build. As the details continue to fill themselves in, their plane becomes clear to me.

Shadow clone jutsu?

Fuck yeah! I've always wanted to say that.

I smile to myself for a brief moment, bracing myself. 

"Three!" They say in unison, and instantly I'm running.

 The walls of Carapace's Shellter wear off and I'm enveloped on both sides by clones that look exactly like me. As we charge, Cat and Ladybug immediately aim for safety.

For the first time since the battle started, Banshee hesitates. It's that one singular moment that I take advantage off, I leap forwards and sail through the air towards her. Reaching out, I grasp the necklace in my hand. 

Closing my hand around it and pulling, I feel the slightest tug on my wrist as the momentum continues to carry me into a tumble behind her. Once on my feet again, I throw the necklace to the ground and let my sneaker come down to stomp on it with all my might.

Removing my foot, I sigh and watch as the butterfly flutters away. I wait for Ladybug to do her usual, but after she finishes she just stares at me. 

"Uh...(Y/N)..." I hear Rena Rouge say causing me to turn and see that she and Carapace are just staring at me in awe. 

"Plot twist, dude..." Carapace scratches the back of his head.

 Only then do I remember the tug in battle and I quickly look down at my wrist. 

"No... Oh no..." My bracelet is gone and the reality that I'm standing in front of the crew in my civilian clothes sets in. They all know my identity now.

Panic starts to fill me, but almost immediately I see Cat bend down and whisper to the tween that was once Banshee. She shyly smiles and nods, before cautiously walking towards me. 

"Paon? I think this is yours." She offers the bracelet to me.

I take it with a gracious nod and smile, causing her to suddenly blush. 

"Hold onto it tightly in the future...Thanks for saving me, and..." She stands on her tippy toes, and quickly kisses me on the cheek, making Cat Noir pale. I can practically see the jealousy in his eyes at how flustered I've become. "Bye, bye Birdie."

As she walks away, Rena and Carapace's miraculous beep in unison before they head off in opposite directions with friendly waves. A bit relieved, I turn only to meet an intense glare from Ladybug. 

I feel the blush hit my cheeks and I chuckle nervously. Bringing one hand up to the back of my neck, I shrug at her.


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