Don't Be A Scaredy Cat (Part II)

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"NO!" I screamed, as Cheshire walked his free hand toward Chat's mouth. Fear resonated in Cat's eyes. 

Slowly, with a disturbing creaking sound, Cheshire's neck turned an inhuman degree to face me. He seemed to smile even wider, "Pretty Birdie, don't sing a sad song. Once I put Cat Noir down for a long catnap, we'll play. Do not fret! For once you and I are done, there's still a bug I have to squash."  

"Yeah, no. That's not gonna happen." I braced myself for any form of retaliation, but Cheshire turned back to Cat. 

He spoke to Cat more excitedly. "Even though I ruffle the birdie's feathers, promising to take your tongue, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I just took your miraculous instead. Hawkmoth wants it. Bad." 

With all of the courage I could muster, I readied myself for a dive. 

When suddenly, a yoyo came into view barreling towards the preoccupied Cheshire. A slight relief washed over me.

But as soon as it came into range, Cheshire's upper body twisted-with one hand still on Cat's neck-and his free hand grabbed the yoyo, yanking Ladybug from her hiding spot. 

With his attention split between the two of them, I took my chances and dove. As I had anticipated(jk as I had hoped), he was too preoccupied to defend himself from the strong kick aimed at his abdomen. 

...Of course, reality isn't as flawless as TV. So when he was propelled backwards, both Ladybug and Cat went along for the ride. 

Mid-tumble Cat managed to get free of the hold and a few feet after, Cheshire let go of the yoyo to stop himself. Cheshire's neck snapped in my direction and his smile had melted into a full on scowl, "Now, Now. Pretty Birdie, you should've just flown south. But now...oh, now I'm mad."

Even as I hovered  a distance away, Cheshire contorted his body at an incredible speed and launched himself at me. My reaction time just couldn't measure up.

 After tumbling out of the air, I  hit the ground hard. Immediately, I felt a weight pinning me down, and a steel's kiss tapping against my cheek rhythmically. "Hush...little birdie, don't even caw....Cheshire will rip your tongue from your jaw...." 

 I feel the dagger leave my cheek as Cheshire rose the blade high above his head.

 "Nooooo!" All I could focus on was Cat's scream. 

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now