Curiosity Killed...(Part 2)

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I feel a flush grace my cheeks as a sea of emotions overtake me; surprisingly the strongest of them all is rage.

"This...This is your fault! You know that, don't you?!" I push Adrien away from me with enough force to make him stumble back. He lands on his butt with a soft grunt and, for a moment, just stares at me in shock.

"(Y/N)? What do you mean?"

I scoff at him and finally pull myself up from my nest of blankets-the last one slowly sliding off of my bare torso. For a moment I can see his eyes flit down my body before focusing back on my face at the sound of my pissed off voice. "Seriously?! Don't be naive! You don't get to pretend like you didn't walk me into this corner..."

 Adrien slowly gets up and takes a hesitant step forward. All I can do is tense when he enters my personal space. "Okay...I get it. I messed up, (Y/N). I shouldn't have tried to push you into anything when you were committed elsewhere. I'm so sorry."

I can see the glossiness in his eyes as he holds up his hands in surrender. He takes another step forward, and to escape him I have to throw myself backwards on the bed.

In my mind there is an expert plan to roll my legs over my head and put the entire bed between him and I...But I only have energy to manage plopping onto the bed in defeat. "Stop it. Don't fucking apologize. It's making me feel worse..." 

"O...kay...? But I don't really understand what is going on here...If I knew how you were really feeling-"

"I don't even know how I'm feeling Adrien!" I throw both of my arms up to cover my eyes. "I'm mad at you for having these stupid feelings...And I'm mad at myself for liking your stupid face so much. I'm furious that Kim didn't fight for me, but my heart would have broken even more if I had to explain that I chose someone else over him without more then a little hesitation. Not to mention how tired I am of fighting my heart each time it does a stupid dance when you tell one of your stupid jokes with that stupid smile plastered over your face. I hate that I like you. I hate that apparently I didn't like Kim enough to stay and now he's hurting and I'm blaming you and-" 

I feel a hand softly clamp over my mouth. I remove my arms and through the blur of my vision I can see Adrien's silhouette leaning over me. When my eyes adjust again, I can see a sad smile on his face; his green eyes shimmering. "Shh, (Y/N). You don't have to explain yourself to me."

I gently remove his hand without much effort. "I literally just blamed you for all the things going wrong in my life, and you're with that?"

His eyes light up and before I can register what is happening, he's tugging me to my feet. "Being 'cool' is a great idea! As much as I enjoy this view, (Y/N), you might want to put a shirt on. Oh! And shoes. We can finish our talk after we gorge ourselves with ice cream. And before you object, you have no choice in the matter!"

He finally lets go of my hand and turns away only to immediately throw open a few of my dresser drawers-a blush creeping across his face as the first one he picked turned out to hold my underwear. He rummages for a moment before flinging a shirt at me, haphazardly. Then he marched to the door, and held out a hand towards me. 

"You coming?"

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