Friday the 13th (Part Three)

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"Are you alright, m'lady?" Cat Noir offers his hand to Ladybug, who was recovering from being thrown across the battlefield. She ignores his hand, standing on her own, and wiping off her suit. 

"Cat, I need you to focus. You've been distracted all day." She glances between her partner and their enemy; who was a magician-like villain. 

"I've...been having a string of bad luck. Sorry, mi lady." Cat Noir spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll try to focus." 

The Magician wannabe chuckled like he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

I glanced around the street, realizing that everyone else had fled in panic. The only people on the battlefield were the heroes, the villain and myself.

As the sunlight catches, I noticed Cat Noir held something firmly in his opposite hand. From what I could see, it resembled a bracelet of some sort. 

Still distracted by what was in his hand, Cat Noir didn't notice the enemy sending a blast of magical energy directly at him. Before the blast connected, Ladybug pushes Cat Noir out of the way, and is thrown backwards hard. She was knocked unconscious. 

In a flash, Cat Noir was running to Ladybug's aid, but all while the enemy relentlessly readied another blast. As if acting on instinct, I was instantly on my feet-no longer crouching behind my safety.

Charging so suddenly caught both the magician and Cat Noir off-guard. I'm able to knock the rod from his hands before he turned on me. There was a vile look in his eyes, magic readying in his hands.

"Ohhkay...Yeah. That didn't go as planned." The words came out as I was frozen, the magical charge growing.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, Cat Noir's staff manifests-narrowly missing my shoulder-and slamming into the magician, sending him reeling. 


"Are you crazy?" Cat asked, running to my side still clutching the bracelet in his hand, trying to shield it from my vision while also trying to steady his staff with one hand. He let out a sigh, "Let's get you out of here quickly. I need to get back before he tries to take Ladybug's Mirac-"

He blinks three times slowly, Cat's face hardening. "Nevermind. Hold onto me."

I do as he says, clutching onto him. The hero folds his arm around me awkwardly, keeping his grip on the bracelet.

But as he propelled us toward a safer area, I started slipping from his grasp in mid-air, causing his face to sink briefly. He let go of the bracelet,letting  it plummet into an alleyway below, to keep his grip around me. Despite the cold attitude, and the danger, I felt a warmth within his arms. 

When our feet hit the ground Cat propels himself back towards the battlefield without another word. 

"Sorry...about your bracelet..? Or not...Cool, cool." My wave turns into me rubbing the back of my head, "Good talk...I guess."

As he disappeared from view, I turn to leave having my fill of the daring and dangerous. 


I look down as my foot kicked something metallic, after a single step. Glancing down, I couldn't believe my eyes. 

Lying at my feet, somehow, is Cat Noir's bracelet. Its engraved with an elegant peacock. I knelt down to pick it up, with the sole intention to head back to the currently less-than-pleased Cat Noir, to return it. 

As my hand got within range of the bracelet, a terrifying boom sounds from the battlefield. Even though I couldn't see it, I knew Cat was in danger. So, I grabbed the bracelet, readying myself to rush back towards the fight. 

I slid the bracelet onto my wrist to keep it safe as I ran. As I did I triggered a bright flash, forcing me to shield my eyes. 

When my vision corrected itself, suddenly, floating in front of me was...a sprite of sorts?

It appeared to be a small sapphire creature, just barely humanoid. She blinked slowly then smiles sweetly. "Ooh! A boy?! Yay! Now we get to be such pretty colors!!!"


"Oh. You're new to this, huh?" She said as she flies next to me, keeping up with my run. Cat Noir's scream rings out, making me run faster. "Well, I'll explain all of this later, but I think you need to transform."


"You ask a lot of questions. Jeez. Just say 'Ayra, plumage up!' You'll thank me later."

"Sure. Why not?" I stop to catch my breath. After a moment, I nodded at her. "We'll go with it. Ayra? Plumage...up?" 

Suddenly, 'Ayra' is sucked into the bracelet and the blinding light envelops me. Suddenly I'm...tingling.

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now