Endgame <3

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Hands wrapped around my head, obscuring my vision. "Guess who?"

A smirk danced across my face, "I wonder...Could it possibly be my extremely late boyfriend?"

"You wound me," Adrien said, a smile in his voice, as he pulled his hands off of my eyes. "I'm totally on time."

"Ah...So we're pretending its daylight savings, then? That still makes me the incredibly punctual one." I shook my head with a smile. 

"Surrreee. But, like, what kind of weirdo shows up to a date an hour early...?" He shrugged sheepishly as he sat down across from me.

"Guess I'm just crazy." I casually sipped my drink, smiling into the glass. "Sure you still want to date?"

"I'll definitely take my chances."

The waitress came to the table to place our orders and by the pure shock on her face she had thought Adrien didn't exist. She glanced at me, "Well now, look at this! I was beginning to think we were gonna have to kick you out."

"Yeah, my fault." Adrien flashed his heartbreaking smile, and it was then that recognition crossed the waitress's face. 

"Oh. My. God." Her voice was hushed, strained between fangirl and professional--a dangerous line to have to walk. Her eyes flitted between us, "You were waiting for the Adrien Agreste?! Why didn't you say so, I would've waited an eternity."

"...And things just got weird..." I looked away with an amused smile, "You can handle this one; I got us the table. Time to repay your debt."

I walked toward the bathroom, and after entering, had a moment of peace at the urinal. Laughing to myself over the fact that we would, of course, run into a massive fan on our first official date out. Still amused, I was able to make it to the sink before my thoughts were interrupted by the door slamming open. 

I glanced in the mirror and saw Adrien shoot me a concerned look. 

My heart fell, because I knew that look.

I used to give that look.


"No one else is in here."  I said with a deflating smile, "Go on."

"Plagg! Claws out."

The familiar sequence played through and in a moment, Adrien was gone and Cat was standing in his place. His leather crinkled as he stepped up behind me, pressing his body against mine.  He placed a sweet kiss on my cheek, and when I looked up there was a sad smile on his face. "I'm sorry; Hawkmoth has been relentless. But I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"Yeah, yeah. I knew what I was getting into," I patted his cheek with a freshly washed and still wet hand. "Go be a hero."

"Anything for you." He kissed my cheek again, and headed for the window. When he got there he turned around and looked at me with a longing I'd never see before, "Before you think I didn't notice, you look beautiful tonight (Y/N). Absolutely breathtaking."

And then he was gone. I dried my hands, took a deep breath, and headed out to pay the bill. 

Which, to my surprise, Adrien had done before rushing away. 

Sweet, I thought to myself, except it was just a few drinks.


The window creaked in my dark apartment, interrupting the movie I was watching. I paused it and listened to the leather crinkling.

"Why don't you use the door?"

"I can't have anyone see me come in. What if I was being followed, huh?" Adrien asked-still as Cat-before following up with the transformation. "Plagg! Claws in."

I tossed a piece of Camembert to an exhausted Plagg and he munched happily, only looking up at me for a moment. "This is why you're my favorite, (Y/N). Adrien never feeds me this much."

I chuckled before looking back at Adrien who had slipped comfortably into the seat next to me, "You never answered my question."

"Huh?" I asked him ever so eloquently. 

"What if I was being followed? I couldn't put you at risk."

"Except...now stay with me...if you were being followed then someone just saw Cat Noir creepily sneak into someone's window at nearly midnight."

"You're such a grandpa! Its only nine, relax." He shook his head with a smile, before a somber look took over. "Hey..."

"Yeah?" I asked as he laid his head in my lap, looking up at me with sad eyes.

"I really am sorry about dinner. I never thought I'd be the guy who bails. And of course I never want to be the guy who bails."

"I know. Trust me." One of my hands mindlessly caressing his chest as the other strokes his forehead.

"Forgive me?" He asked, literally looking like his heart was going to break. 

"I can do you one better." I smiled and gently batted at him, "But you gotta let me up first."

"But you're so comfortable..." He playfully whined before forcing himself into a seated position.

I grabbed him by the hand and gently dragged him to the kitchen. Spread across the table were all of our favorite comfort foods. All heavy in carbs, and equally full of joy. "I thought since dinner was a mess, what if we were rebellious and had a 'Comfort Food And Favorite Movie Marathon Date?'"

A smile made its way onto Adrien's face and he shook his head chuckling, "You come up with that on your own?"

"I'm still workshopping it," I shrugged before gesturing to the food animatedly. 

"Yeah...Keep at it. It needs a little work." He smiled before grabbing two plates and setting some of everything on each of them.

"Shut up." I said with a smile before heading to the couch. After shuffling through our favorite movies I picked a starting point, shortly after being joined by Adrien holding two steaming plates of junk. 

He placed the food on the table, and grabbed my free hand. Turning to look at him I saw a massive smile on his face, "I love you, (Y/N) and I don't think I tell you that enough."

I lean in, capturing his lips with mine in a sweet kiss. After a few moments of the tender kiss, we pull back, "You're right; you definitely don't. But I love you too, Cat Boy."

"Ouch." He laughs before leaning his head against my shoulder and snuggling in tight.

And I knew-in that moment-that I wanted to stay like this. 

For as long as he'd have me.

And I was aiming for forever.

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now