King-Slayer (Two)

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The next couple of moments pass in a blur of fists, staff and yo-yo. Neither side gains on the other as I face off against Ladybug and Chat Noir. Speaking through clenched teeth, I stare them both down as they try to catch their breath, "Just hand over the Miraculous and we can skip this trivial display."

"What's the matter?" Ladybug takes in a deep breath, standing tall. "It almost sounds like you're scared."

Cat staggers back a little, a bit more hesitant to attack then his companion. "Maybe taunting the guy who is still technically our teammate isn't the best idea, M'lady." 

The nuisance sounded in my brain a little louder this time.

...Clearer, stronger, and somehow less strangled.

We don't have to do this. Hawkmoth is not in control; he's using us.

I shake off the thoughts, barely able to avoid Chat's incoming staff as it fills my vision. I parry at the last moment, grabbing hold of the middle of it, and using Cat's own momentum to toss him aside carelessly. 

"Enough of these games. No more holding back; allies or not, this ends now." I grasp the entire deck of cards at my hip and split them between both palms. They begin to glow with an intense, nearly blinding (Favorite Color) aura. "Heart Hunter!!"

The cards lift from my outstretched hands and begin to whip around me at lightning quick speeds. My eyes begin to glow that same (F/C) hue, and as I surrender my will to the cards, I levitate of the ground just slightly and begin floating towards them. Determined to take them down.

"Wait...Wh-What?" I hear Cat stumble over his words. "Dammit, (Y/N). You just had to be ridiculously OP when akumatized, huh? You couldn't make this easy on us...On me."

His last sentence is almost a whisper and-

 ...Sorry, Adrien...

My body halts for the smallest moment, an unseen force almost appearing to try to keep me rooted. I feel an internal swell; my human form seeming to catch on to this hesitation, as well. 

...You hesitated...We hesitated. But...Does that mean that I have some impact on what we do...

Can I stop this somehow...Stop us..? 

"Is he broken, M'lady?" I'm brought back to my senses by the sound of Ladybug and Cat Noir regarding my jerking movements. Using all of my might, I pull my attention from within myself to the enemies in front of me. The cards begin circling me even faster as I tighten my focus.

"Let us finish this."

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now