King-Slayer (Three)

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In a blink of an eye, I propel myself across the field as the cards increase speed. I'm closing the distance between us, my cards emanating an aura strong enough to end all opposition. The targets stand there with dumbfounded expressions...This feels almost too ea-


"Ugh!" Shutting my eyes, I feel an immense invisible force manifest from somewhere deep within my human form. As I open my eyes, a dizzy feeling taking over me, I realize that I am suspended inches from Cat Noir and Ladybug-my cards frozen in mid-air and my body unable to move. Both the cards and I are twitching in place as the human inside of me seems to create a stasis.

You...We...No! I...I will not harm them...

Cat Noir and Ladybug stare at me with varying expressions. Cat takes a cautions step forward, despite Ladybug's wary look as she puts distance between us. "Don't worry, M'Lady. I think I can get through to him..."

"Just...Don't be reckless..." She cautions as her teammate circles around slowly, taking in my suspended animation. I fight my hardest against the binding, but the human doesn't want to surrender...In truth, I'm mildly impressed by his will, despite my fury.

"Hey...(Y/N)? I know you're still in there...You're doing this; so you're hanging tough...Just don't overdo it. If you gotta let go, then let go. We'll find a way to beat him...or you...Or...I don't know... What do you think M'Lady?" He turns away from me, revealing his back to me just as the human's hold lapses for a moment.  Seizing the opportunity my cards move towards him, as Ladybug calls out to him. 

"Look ou-"



In a burst of confusion, one of my cards sliced into Chat's cheek while yet another voice entered the fray. Before I registered the new entry, I was hit in the side of the head by some unseen object. Immediately after contact was made, my cards which had glowed so brightly before fell to the ground, dull and lifeless. 

A figure emerged, and the human inside of me recoiled. 

No...How?...Kim? He...Wasn't...Didn't he get trapped?

WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Get those miraculous! How can you be so incompetent?! I swear-

Interrupting my master's rage, the new combatant speaks to the human inside me, without regarding Chat or Ladybug. "(Y/N). I know you're in this mess because of me...I'm so sorry for that...but I can tell that you've been fighting hard! And you have no right to do anything I ask of you, but just don't give up yet? No matter what, hang in there. We'll find a way to solve this." 

"Mortal! I demand to know how you escaped?!" I face the one dressed as a monkey apparently named 'Kim.'  "What powers do you possess?"

A sad smile takes over his face as he steps closer to me. "(Y/N) and I have a pretty powerful friend...But that isn't important-"

I grab him around the neck before my human has time to stop me again. "Silence!! It's time this actually ends." 

I throw him with ease into Ladybug and Cat Noir. After a moment of grumbled struggling, the three of them get back onto their feet. Ladybug brushes herself off, asking herself more than anyone else, "How do we stop this?"

I feel a final surge of power from the human inside of me, and somehow the voice that leaves my mouth isn't my own. "The...Deck...Of Cards..."

A smile spreads across Chat Noir's face. "Atta boy, (Y/N)."

I cast a worried glance at the discarded deck, and before I could react they rush me.

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now