Now you see me...

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As my transformation comes to an end I meet Rose's eyes, but before I can even worry about damage control I have another issue to take care of.  With my one free hand, I crack my Tessen open behind my back. As the fans spread out, the akumatized henchman lets out a screech before removing their talons from my back. 

After a quick tumble to the ground, I stand in front of Rose protectively with both fans opened. From behind me a squeal sounds, "Oh! My! God! No way!"

But I'm distracted by the pitch-black harpy screeching in laughter before me to calm Rose's fangirling. "Aw. You're getting rather careless, Paon! So many people know who you are now. Including Hawkmoth!" 

I rolled my eyes, "As if he didn't already know. So Harpy Lady, are we gonna do this dance or are you gonna hurl lame ass insults from a safe distance? Oh! Or do you want me to turn my back on you again? Is that easier?" 

A scowl crosses her face and her beady eyes narrow. "You dare to speak to Nevermore like that? Stupid child, you'll soon face my wrath."

"And yet-" 

Before I could answer with a witty retort, she's streaking through the air screeching. 


Her talons scratch against the metal of my fans with so much force that I'm pushed through the courtyard, my feet dragging up dirt as I tried to stand my ground. Maniacal laughter filled the air, as her advance didn't cease. "What's the matter? Scared to take flight?!"

"I tired of these goddamn bird puns." I grit my teeth, pushing back against her and managing a few steps forward. "No...other hero has to deal with this...shit."  

And somehow I'm already out of breath.

But she flaps her wings even harder, and I'm being pushed back even further. I could feel myself losing this fight, but suddenly a stone hits Nevermore directly in the side of the head. 

Then another. 

"Hey, ugly! Leave him alone!" I heard Rose shout and I couldn't believe that this girl didn't run for what the hell? "Get away from him! You...You hag!"

She continued to surprise me by throwing a barrage of rock at Nevermore until the harpy was forced to pay attention. A wicked smile crossed Nevermore's lips, and she chirped, "How sweet! Are you his girlfriend? He would be devastated it I were to tear you limb from limb. And that sure sounds fun!" 

Her wings change trajectory, and in that moment, as she starts to take off towards Rose I did the only thing I could think of. "Paon rising!" 

I used the burst of speed to slide under her body, and when I made it in out front of her, I dug my tessen into the ground to land a hard kick-flip to her face. Successfully blocking Nevermore's path to Rose I used the rest of my speed boost to unleash a flurry of slashes from my fans. 

The first few landed, throwing her off guard. But after a while, she caught onto my pattern. Nevermore interrupted my onslaught with a talon to the throat, and lifted me until I was inches from her face. I heard my bracelet beep in warning, and she smirked down at it. 

Tightening her grip on my neck, she used her other talon to slide the miraculous from my wrist. As soon as I transformed back to my human state, a sinister smile danced across her lips.  "Let's go for a ride my child...And I'll show you what the world looks like from the top!" 

Struggling against her grip that was drawing blood from my neck, I could see through teary vision as Nevermore turned to look at Rose. "Once he's dead, I'm coming for his girlfriend next. And then Ladybug...Then Cat.."

And with that threat she propelled into the air, dragging me through the sky with her. No matter how hard I fought, I couldn't get out of her grip. The air continued to grow colder and colder as we made our ascent. She suddenly stopped miles above Paris, and in one careless motion she threw me aside without even looking back.

I began plummeting to the ground below at insane speeds, and even if I tried to steer myself onto a rooftop I was gonna break something. Or everything. All I thought was that this may actually be it. This failure is how my super hero days end.

And I've let everyone down. 

All of Paris... 



And Cat...Oh.

My Adrien...

I watched the rooftops get even closer and then just shut my eyes to avoid seeing my own death. 


And suddenly a force slammed into me from the side, and I felt arms wrap around me tightly. The momentum sent me and whoever had saved me onto a neighboring roof, in an aggressive and painful roll that carried us to the walled-in edge. I only opened my eyes when our momentum had finally stopped. 

And there pressed between me and the brick wall of the roof, with arms still around me protectively, was a patch of unruly blonde hair. Adorned with cat ears. 

After a moment of suffocating silence, Cat moaned briefly and opened one of his green eyes. His face was battered and bruised, but he smiled when he saw I was still conscious. 

"Hey gorgeous. Did it hurt when you fell--ow!" He held his side briefly before smiling at me again, "Guess it hurt both of us when you fell from heaven."

I take his shoulders in my hands and stare him down. "Flirt with me later, okay? You have to get to Ro--"


My blood ran cold as Rose's distinct voice screamed from somewhere below us.

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