Curiosity Killed...(Part 3)

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"And can we also have a banana split as well?"  Adrien flashes the cashier a charming smile, but  they just appear to be unimpressed. The cashier walks away as soon as Adrien is done paying to help the other flustered employees with our order.

"Did we really just buy twelve separate ice creams for the two of us to share?" I asked him, dumbfounded. 

"Share?" His face lit up with a crooked smile. "I was thinking six for me and six for you. Or we can do seven and five--I'd get the bad end of that deal, but I guess you're kinda worth it, (Y/N)."

A blush spreads across my cheeks and his emerald eyes feel like they're searching deep into my soul. I lick my lips and start to respond when a sonic scream sounds throwing a car clear across the street. As we look out the window, people begin fleeing as the supersonic scream sound again and again.

We glance at each other and quickly head towards the bathroom. An employee, whose name tag reads Meeko, calls out to us from behind the counter without even looking up. "One at a time in the bathroom, love birds. Otherwise, its weird for every one."

Yet without lifting his gaze, he tosses the key to me. I turn to Adrien, with a smile. "Sorry, but also not? There is an ally out back."

"You're just lucky you're cute." Adrien shakes his head with a smile, before taking off towards the side door. "Go. I'll see you in the shake of a tail feather."

I head to the bathroom and as I close the door behind me I hear Meeko mutter from behind the counter, "No one uses that expression anymore, kid."

As I chuckle to myself, Ayra pops out of my bag. "All I know is Plagg and I better get some ice cream after this...Ordering tons of different things and none are for your favorite Kwami. That's just rude."

I smile at her and gently boop her on the top of her head, "Why is 90% of your dialogue dripping in sass?"

"Just part of my charm, I guess?" She flies up to my face and nudges my cheek affectionately. "Anyway...Chop, chop. Get to the 'Ayra, plumage up!'"

I chuckle again at her horrible impression of me. "First of all, I don't sound like that. And secondly....Ayra, plumage up!"

***Cue transformation scene***

Fully transformed, I climb out off the window with a little more struggle then anticipated. A leather-clad hand reaches up and gently helps me through to the street below. I catch a glimpse of that all-too-familiar smirk on Cat's lips. I hold up a hand to physically cover his mouth, "Before you say anything, I didn't want to break poor Meeko's window. That's all. Let's immediately change the subject." 

His smirk dissolves into chuckling when I remove my hand. "You got it, boss. Let's go be super."

I nod as we rush towards the sonic screams on the main street. We get there at the same time as Ladybug, Carapace, and-despite being dressed in a fox costume-Alya? Who isn't a superhero around here?

When Cat and I show up, Alya glances at me with a raised eyebrow. "And who is this?"

"You can call me Paon...And you are?" I respond sticking out a hand to shake hers. 

She takes it firmly and a friendly smile spreads across her face. "I'm Rena Rouge. A pleasure."

We look around to see the street is strangely empty, despite the screams coming from there moments before. An eerie quiet fills the air as we search for the cause of the supersonic screams that seem to have just disappeared. I take a step forward as the hair on my arms stand on end.

In the blink of an eye, a pale figure leaps down from the rooftop directly beside me. Before I have time to react, the figure lets loose a sonic scream that catapults my entire body across the street. I hear the same scream continue as the figure turns it's attention on the group in the one swift, fluid motion. 

I grit my teeth and get to my feet. I can feel the salty iron taste of blood dripping into my mouth from an unknown wound. With a throbbing in my ears, my vision struggles to focus, but I can see a pale, wild haired girl with sharp teeth and eerie red eyes staring at each of us as if we're her prey. 

Then her eyes focus on me again and she doesn't even hesitate. She lets loose another ear-splitting scream. 

Oh, crap... 

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now