Worth a thousand words...

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Well, fuck!

The day after we saw the mysterious flash of light, a photo showed up on a random blog. A photo of a certain feline hero getting cozy with a civilian. 

Correction; with me!

Which led to Cat-and Adrien-keeping his distance from me...But no worries, because instead, I found a following that didn't understand basic human decency...Or the potential need for personal space.

"Is it true!?" I look up to see Rose and a few others gathered around my table at lunch. In the background I quickly lock eyes with a paranoid and tired-looking Adrien. I look away after a second to refocus on Rose as she jumps up and down excitedly. "Do you really know Cat Noir?! Do you know his secret identity?! Ohmygod! Are you like dating him?! Like, for real?!"

I sigh, a little more than exhausted by all the unnecessary attention. But before I could snap out a response, Marinette proved that she's an everyday hero just as much as when she dons the spots, and swooped in for the save. "Hey guys...How about we give him some space? I feel like (Y/N) has been answering crazy questions for the last couple of days...Lets let him breathe for a little while, alright?" 

And her powers of humanity shone through instantly, resulting in the crowd dispersing. I nod gratefully to her and she just smiles before stepping away to allow me to breathe on my own. 

"What's the big deal, (Y/N)?" Ayra's small voice whispered from the bag settled on my lap. "Why is everyone acting so weird lately?" 

I glance down and then around the courtyard and notice eyes still on me. I grab my cell, and place it to my ear. Pretending to take a call, I sigh out a reply. "It's because of the photo Ayra...Now that people have seen me kissing Chat, I wont get even an iota of privacy."

"But how will we transform if Hawkmoth attacks?" Her tiny eyes widen as the truth starts to settle in. "Ladybug and Cat need us...Now more then ever!"

"Unfortunately I don't think we...can..." I felt the frustrated tears burning at the edge of my eyelids, and before I can give into them my luck proved even worse. 


I'm on my feet immediately. Luckily I'm not the only one; most of the people in the courtyard shoot to their feet and start heading towards the origin of the sound. Noticing people are heading out front, I ready myself to disappear to a quiet room and transform.

I take a few steps towards safety and let out a breath of relief. Until I feel a tiny frame throwing their arms around me with surprising strength. I look down to see Rose, panic evident on her face. "(Y/N)! You have to do something! Call Cat Noir! Or Ladybug! Call Paon if you know who he is! Just call someone!"

Her grip tightens around me so hard that I know struggling as futile.

"Rose! Please, I have to go. If you want me to do something then you need-"

Before I can even fathom what is happening, the entire school rumbles as something heavy crashes through into the courtyard. A blur streaks into view for only a few seconds and without thinking, I turn my back to the blur to shield Rose. 

A pain takes over my whole body as talons dig into my shoulders, an immense strength attempting to lift me off of the ground. I grit my teeth against the pain, "Ayra! Plumage-"

"Heeellllllpppp! (YYYY/NNNN)! Noo!" Rose screams still holding onto me. Surprisingly her face didn't hold fear; instead it was taken over by sheer determination. "LET GO OF HIM!"

Seeing her hold threatening to slip, I look her in the eyes. 

"Don't...Don't worry, Rose..." Through the fire of pain I smile at her, "You did...good. But...I've got to do this my...myself now..."

"What are you talking about?!"  She screeched trying her best to hold tighter despite starting to be lifted off of her feet. 


Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now