Meanwhile, Back At School(Part One)

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"(Y/N)" Kim's voice broke through my thoughts, "Earth to (Y/N). You're totally dazed....Is, uh, is everything okay?"

I came back to reality and blushed; sitting across from Kim, I focused on actually eating my lunch instead of playing with it. "Yeah, sorry. I am...still adjusting to the move. Thinking that it may be time to branch out and meet other people..."

Like the real Chat Noir maybe?

I caught myself thinking it before I realized the look on Kim's face. He placed one hand on the back of his neck and avoided eye contact, "Oh...Yeah...I guess."

I couldn't help but chuckle; I found his insecurity adorable. "I don't know what you think I meant; but I assure you, I've just been thinking its about time I met our classmates, no? As in tried making friends?"

His face obviously relaxed and I chuckled again. "Oh. Oh yeah! Definitely! That makes a lot of sense actually. about I help out?"

"Actually, I'd like that very much." I responded in between graceful mouthfuls of mashed potatoes. "Where do we start?"

"Well, you've met Max already, but I think I have an idea of who to introduce you to next." Kim smirked and immediately stood up, extending his hand over the table.

With one final-and frantic-spoonful of mashed potatoes, I accepted his hand and we began walking.

Even in a steady stride across the quad, our hands stayed interlocked--until we approached four people seated together. Then he quickly weaseled out of my grip while clearing his throat-though, the only one who seemed to notice our intertwined hands was the blond sitting at the table. 

He rose an eyebrow but smiled kindly, "Hey Kim. What's up?"

"Hey Adrien. Marinette." He nodded to the girl sporting midnight pigtails, staring dreamily at the blond named Adrien. Then he turned to the two others at the table, fist-bumping them both. "Alya. Nino. I wanted to introduce you all-formally-to the new kid and a friend of mine, (Y/N)(L/N.) He's in our class but I don't think he's really gone out of his way to meet anyone yet..."

"Tis a charming little thing I call, social anxiety." I smiled broadly, extending my hand to each of them in turn. "Its a pleasure to meet you all."

When I finally shook hands with the blond kid, electricity danced between our touch as he held my gaze with those oddly familiar eyes. Neither of us, broke the eye contact nor the handshake.

Then it hit me.




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