Luck or Nine Lives? (Part II)

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"Okay....What was that about?" Ayra asked, immediately after I shut the front door behind me. 

"Shush." I wave her away, "I get it. Like trust me, I also thought that was the weirdest interaction ever....but it was Adrien's dad. And Adrien may still be in earshot."

I crack open the door a little, looking out into the hallway to make sure that Adrien was far enough away from the apartment. I feel Ayra peek over my shoulder, letting out a  little sigh. "Okay. We're in the clear; so what was that whole thing with Agrestenstein?!"

I plop onto my bed, suddenly exhausted, and exhale. "First of all, I hated that; never call him that again. But more importantly, I didn't want to say anything around Adrien, but...that was weird, wasn't it? Like, I have no idea what he's playing at exactly."

Ayra is silent for a long moment, then I see her eyes widen as she comes to some sort of realization. "(Y/N)...(Y/N), what if...What if he knows you're Paon?"

"How would he? He wasn't there when I revealed my identity to a teen girl so unless he's living a double life where-" I stop my dumb joke short as the same realization Ayra had hit me like a ton of bricks. 

"Where....He's Hawkmoth?! Yeah...that's what I was afraid of." She flutters sadly to sit in my lap, "That means he knows...everything."

"No...No." I inhale and close my eyes. After a moment, I release the breath with new resolve. "He doesn't know everything. He only knows what Ladybug, Cat, Rena and Carapace know. Meaning he only knows my identity, not theirs. We gotta do whatever it takes to make sure that-"

An urgent knock on my door interrupts my tangent and I stare at Ayra for a moment. The knock sounds again even harder and I nod to her to hide. She dips under the bed as I get to my feet. Walking over to the door, the knocks sounds a third time even more impatiently. 

I open the door to see a red-eyed mess. It's Kim. Or, more accurately, a mess trying his best to hold it together who resembled Kim. His face flashes between betrayal, pain and just plain sorrow as he takes me in. "I know this is insane, but I was trying so hard to let you could you?!"

"Kim? What are you-" 

But I'm interrupted as he holds up his hands. "And with Adrien?!" 

Despite only managing two sentences, I understood him completely. My heart sank deep into my stomach. I reached out a comforting hand, but he took a step backwards. He stared at me with such intensity that my heart broke over and over again for as long as we held eye contact. And I just couldn't look away. "Look don't even bother, (Y/N). Apparently, we were never really good at communicating." 

He sighed, his breath quivering just slightly before he took off at a sprint down the hall without another word. And before I realized what was happening, I was running after him. "Kim, please? Wait?!"

He finally stops outside of my complex. On the street, he whirls around to face me head on. He points an accusatory finger at me, his chest heaving from the combined efforts of fighting his tears and running away from me. "Don't. Don't sit there...with that face, and try to defend why you broke my heart before dating one of my closest friends. It's...I just can't....I don't want to get into this right now. I don't even know why I came here..."

As I see him fighting back fresh tears, a fluttering captured my attention. Turning away for a moment, I saw that zoned in on Kim was an Akuma. Fear takes me over, but my attention is brought back to him as he scoffs. I look back to him, as he pulls a piece of paper with a single red heart on it out of his pocket. "You can't even look at me can you? Great...Well, here...Take this and whenever you feel like giving me the time of day, maybe we'll talk." 

As the Akuma flutters towards the paper in his hand, my heart leaps out of my chest. Time seems to slow to a stop, the Akuma only seconds from the paper. 

Seconds from Kim. 

Without thinking too much about it, I rip the paper clean out of his hand to prevent him from being akumatized again. But when the Akuma lands on the paper undeterred, and Hawkmoth's voice fills my mind, I realized that I had enough negative emotions for him to-

Hello there, (Y/N). Or should I say, King of Hearts.

You are a gift I didn't expect, but you'll be instrumental in capturing the Miraculous for me.

Starting with your own...

Bring them to me, Paon.

"....Yes, Hawkmoth."

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