Don't Be A Scaredy Cat (Part I)

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As soon as the transformation ended, I climbed out of a bathroom window as quickly as I could, taking to sky once I was clear. Shortly after departing, I landed on a roof. "Okay. If I was a bad guy, where would I be?"

A quiet padding sounded next to me, followed by a familiar voice. "Hm. Tough question! But my guess would be by the crowd of screaming civilians...Just a hunch though."

I turned to see Cat Noir saunter across the rooftop to me. I waved him off dismissively, a smirk playing on my lips. "Perish the thought! That would make absolutely no sense. Clearly it has to be the other way."

He laughed, loudly and warm. "No roost for the weary, am I right? But, you know, I was kinda hoping there was an exception for the devilishly handsome!" 

Cat smiled at his own joke and then shrugged. "Not taking the bait, huh? Welp...mi'lady is probably already there; lets not keep her waiting."

I  winked at him before taking off at a sprint towards the roof's edge. "C'mon then, Kitty!"

Without a glance backwards, I dove off the roof and began soaring through the sky. Cat's voice rang out behind me, "Show-off!" 

A few moments later, Cat was propelling himself through the sky next to me. Our paths weaving in and out and around each other. Even with the realization I was headed towards danger, I couldn't help but giggle as I swerved around him. He smiled at me devilishly, "You know, for a bird-brain you fly pretty slowly."

"Don't sass me, Mr. Kitty. I had to slow my flight speed down exponentially to make sure you could keep up. If anything, I am a saint; I mean, c'mon, I chose to put up with your terrible jokes!"

"Think you're a saint, huh?" Cat smirked once more.

"Or sadist? I haven't decided yet." I shrugged nonchalantly, before dropping from the sky to land next to Ladybug. 

"Finally." She smiled even though she looked a little worse for wear. "I was beginning to think I was the only actual hero around here." 

Cat landed with a soft roll, flanking Ladybug's other side. "Sorry, mi'lady. Paon here apparently isn't an early-bird. Guess he'll have about the same chance of catching the worm as a bad guy, huh?"

Ladybug let out a light laugh. I glanced around the square, looking for the enemy. "Luckily, Chat Noir, my tastes are currently a bit more...feline."

Chat visibly tripped over himself, "Wait, what?"

"Enough you two!" Ladybug said, uncharacteristically giddy. "Something isn't right here! You guys can sense it too right?"

The moment I noticed her tone and that that oddly placed smile never faltered in the slightest, the gravity of the situation registered. "Cat! That's not Ladybug."

Without a second thought, I took to the sky, remaining  at a hover a safe distance away. Cat's reflexes were less than...well, cat-like. "What?!"

The faux Ladybug launched her body at him, legs first. With superhuman strength, her feet planted into the wall of the building behind Cat, trapping his body. Slowly the 'Ladybug' facade shimmered up her body, revealing a young man dressed in a purplish kaftan, distress and torn, adorned with bandages wrapped up his revealed arms. Similar bandages covered his eyes, but that creepy smile stayed plastered to his face. 

He brought his face closer to Cat's-his arms crossed over Chat's neck-and still smiling spoke, "What's wrong? Cat's out of the bag and now Cheshire's got your tongue?" Cheshire unsheathed a dagger in one hand, tapping it against Cat's lips. "Come now. Don't be a scaredy cat."

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now