Me-ow...(Part 1)

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The light faded, leaving Cat and I staring at each other wide-eyed. "Uh-oh."

"(Y/n)...?" Cat asked, utterly shocked. 

I shook my head, and started walking towards the door. "I guess we'll have to talk about this later, Adri-" I physically had to stop myself, "Cat. I mean Cat Noir."

His hand lands on my shoulder, and I turn to see Cat's usual cocky smile, "Fine. But maybe we should use the window? Otherwise the whole school will figure out our secret identities today as well..."

"Hilarious." I rolled my eyes. 

Without waiting on more banter I took flight out the window, riding the thermals over the section of the building we were just in, and into the courtyard below. When I touched down, Ladybug was already staring down a smaller than average foe. Cat lands softly next to me a few seconds later. 

"Okay...Yeah, wow." Cat elegantly stated taking in the enemy. "Not what I was expecting."

The Akumatized individual across from Ladybug is dressed in a darkly colored and extremely tattered ballerina ensemble. From bracelets on her wrists, excess cloth writhes wildly around her childish frame-as if with a mind of its own-while her body's actual movements are sharp and full of purpose. Her head snaps in the direction of Cat and I, a fiery curl bobbing before settling perfectly back into place. 

A smirk plays across her features, "Care to dance, boys?"

Cat laughs coolly, "Sorry, little lady. I've been told I have two left feet."  

"I could always take the lead if you want; show you a thing or two." I spoke playfully, but with eyes still trained on the ballerina.

"Oh?" Cat cocked his head towards me slightly, mischief showing all over his face. "I bet you could."

"Fight now, flirt later." Ladybug shook her head before taking a step towards the ballerina. "Whatever you're planning, we won't allow you to hurt innocent people."

Suddenly, all playfulness melted from the ballerina's face until she was scowling daggers at Ladybug. "Hey, bug-brain...I don't want to hurt anyone..."

"You don't?" I tensed as Cat lowered his guard slightly in my peripheral, "Then what, exactly, do you want?"

The lucid rags rose in the air around her, but Cat didn't seem to notice. Or he wasn't the least bit worried. 

Her smile made my blood run cold. "I  am Myrtha! And I want the whole city to dance..."

Cat took his eyes off of her for a single second to turn my way, but that was all it took. 

She propelled herself via the rags at lightning speed, aimed right at him, and shrieked suddenly, "Dance until it dies!!"

Without a moment hesitation I pushed Cat to the ground and out of harm's way. Then I braced myself for impact.


Or, you know, death...?  

Whichever comes first. 

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now