King-Slayer (Four)

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As I try to reach my deck before them that same bothersome force manifests once more, bringing me to a knee with redoubled effort. Gritting my teeth, I try to move even an inch to no avail. A static fills my head, hiding within it are faint traces of Hawkmoth's voice-but none are clear enough to make out.

Suddenly, Ladybug stops a few feet away and her yoyo wraps around me, pinning my arms to my side. At the sound of her voice, the force dwindles slightly as if my meddlesome human is responding, "Easy now, (Y/N). We've got it from here."

Without relenting another moment Cat's staff makes contact with my unstable leg, throwing me off balance. I land on my back as the yoyo tightens even further around me. In a flash his staff is aimed at my throat, a sad smile on his face. "You did good, (Y/N). Just thought you should know..."

And as my human's heart skipped a beat, I notice King Monkey slide past me and into range of the cards. Even a thought of struggling against my binds caused the force within my human to bubble again.

All I could do was watch as King Monkey smashes the deck of cards and--


After the light recedes, I feel myself laying sprawled out on the ground. I can just barely make out Ladybug's voice running through her usual routine. My head pounds as I try to sit up on my own, but I'm soon keenly aware of two bodies attempting to aid me.

I glance to either side of me and see tension between Cat Noir and King Monkey. I exhale loudly, as the two just stare each other down not saying a word. 

"Don't worry....I can get up myself." I pull my hand away from each of them and begin the slow, unsteady journey to my feet. Neither boy moves from my side, nor do they overstep and try to help me again. "Seriously?"

The question seems to break the tension a little, as they both look to me caught off-guard and say in unison, "What?"

"Shouldn't you be off saving the world or something?" I rub the back of my head as Ladybug casually wanders over with a measured look. "Like, thank for saving me and all...but I'm no longer bad bug infested, so this weird display of alpha hero can end."

Cat looks momentarily startled before seeming to come to a quiet resolve. With just one look at me, he smirks and takes a step back. "You're right...We do need to get going...To make sure Paris is safe and what not..."

King Monkey seems a little defeated, and lowered his voice. "(Y/N)...I know you just went through something crazy, but I'd love it if we can talk...It's me...Ki-"

Suddenly, his headpiece beeps just as Ladybug rested a hand on his shoulder, and steered him away from me. Giving him a friendly smile, she says, "King Monkey? He already knows that silly. But you have to start heading out before your secret identity gets revealed."

After another longing stare in my direction, Kim sighs and dropped his head. " You're right....I'll head out. Just....make sure he gets home safely, Cat?" 

"Always." Cat replies with a quick nod of understanding. 

And with that, Kim was gone. A moment passes before Ladybug turns back to us, a concerned look on her face. "I'm gonna be going too. Take care of each other...And (Y/N)? Please don't get akumatized again...? You were an actual nightmare." 

"Oh, M'Lady! He's always like that." Cat smirks, leaning against his staff. 

"And with that, I'm gonna leave (Y/N) to enact his revenge. Later." Without another word she was swinging off into the distance. 

After a moment of just standing there, I gently punched Cat in the arm. 


So it wasn't that gently...

"Ow." He rubs his arm and gave me a wounded look, "What did I do now?"

"'Always a nightmare', huh?" I cocked an eyebrow, challenging him. 

"I can understand how it sounded like that, but that's not what I meant." He huffs out a breathe, looking away as a blush crept across his cheeks.

"Then what did you mean?"

He's silent for a moment before grabbing my hand gently. I feel him slide something onto my wrist and look down to see my miraculous back where if belongs. He endearingly lifts one hand under my chin to direct my gaze back to his face, the other hand still holding mine. A genuine smile shines against his flushed cheeks as he slowly closes the distance between our lips, until he's only a breath away. "I just meant that you're always a force of nature...It's one of the many things I like about-"

A blinding flash goes off from somewhere to our left and all of the color drains from Cat's face, as he starts looking around frantically. I've never see him so full of fear in my life.

"Cat?" I gently squeeze his hand which was still in my own, only earning a brief glance before he's shaking his head sadly. 

His hand slowly slips out of mine and, as if in slow motion, he's backing away from me.

"I...I have to go, (Y/N)."  

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