Paon Rising

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After the light evaporated a moment later, Ayra was nowhere to be found. I looked down to examine that I was still in tact when I noticed that I was not wearing the same thing as before. 

Instead, I was dressed a skin tight sapphire bodysuit, with a green belt that was set low on my hips-not resting on my waist. The arms of this suit were not full coverage-there was skin revealed on both sides all the way up my arms-each 'sleeve' coming to a single-fingered glove; a talon on each tip. 

Most of the top of my body suit was covered by a cloak/scarf made of vibrant peacock feathers, draped loosely over one shoulder. 

But the most surprising aspect of this whole transformation were the two giant Tessen fans made of peacock feathers stationed on my lower back. Crossing over my butt, they gave the effect of actual plumage.

After a moment of astonishment, I remembered that Cat needed me. 

"Well...Here goes." I exhaled, and instinctively grabbed a hold of both Tessen. Taking off running, I cracked the fans opened and used them to propel myself onto the building ahead of me. I continued half-leaping, half-gliding towards the fight hoping that Cat wasn't in too much trouble.

As I closed the distance, I saw Ladybug's unconscious body protected by a tattered and beaten Cat Noir. Taking advantage of the element of surprise at this moment, I leap gracefully off of the building and glided toward the enemy. 

Sunlight reflected off of one of my Tessen, catching Cat's attention. His eyes lifted towards me for a moment, and awe took hold of his face. I smirked as I sailed into range of my target, twirling midair before landing, and carrying the momentum of my flight to bash the feathered metal frame of my Tessen into the Magician sending him reeling. 

I offered a hand to Cat Noir. As I'm helping him up, his eyes dilated, "Look ou-"

Quickly, I slid the free Tessen behind my back, opening it in one swift motion, blocking a magical blast from the Magician. 

"Come on Kitty." I say as Cat steadied himself. "Don't look so surprised. This tail isn't just for showing off. Oh...Uh...Now then." I turned toward the magician who looked a bit taken aback. "Can you get Ladybug to wake up? In case my beak is worse then my bite? We may need her Lucky Charm"

"Oh god. Really? That was-"

"Fowl? I know." I turned back to him to wink before cracking my other Tessen over my head to reveal all my 'plumage.'

With my 'tail' erect, I rushed at the Magician, letting out an unruly war cry. Angered, the Magician gritted his teeth and fired more blasts at me. I flipped over the first one, fluidly melting into an aerodynamic twirl, and bringing both my Tessen together to decimate the next magical blast completely. 

"Who are you?" The Magician asked stepping back briefly, "Hawk Moth, there's another one. Want his Miraculous too?"

"Talking to a voice in your head now? I hear that's never a good sign." I cracked both Tessen open again, and leaned into a combat stance. "Let's get this over with; I have to preen my feathers after this and I really cannot push that back again."

"Use...your power." Ladybug's breathless voice barely reached my ears. As Cat Noir began helping her to her feet, his eyes were locked onto me. "The Akuma is in his staff."

"Why the hell not?" I closed my eyes and reached for the right words. Cat had Cataclysm, and the bug had Lucky Charm, so I have....


My eyes shot open. As I felt the crazy speed boost take over my whole body, I rushed towards the staff. I took turns swiping at the Magician as he tried to dodge. Finally I saw him slip up and I took the opening. I swiped both Tessen horizontally towards the staff, as fast as lightning. 

As soon as they made contact, the feathers exploded away revealing the sharp metal skeleton hidden beneath the plumage. 

Once the Magician's staff was cut in two, the feathers that were still falling gracefully began to reattach to the Tessen. 

"No more evildoing for you, little akuma." Ladybug spoke sounding a little better. "" 

My bracelet beeped. The top and the middle of the peacock feather dimmed. "That means this birdie has to fly away." Cat Noir spoke with a smirk. "Its a shame. You weren't half bad."

"Me-oww! I'm offended. I didn't realize the kitty actually had some claws. He gave me more of a...'scaredy' impression." I slipped both Tessen into the holders on my lower back. 

"Cat's right." Ladybug looked me up and down. "You have to go, were a big help. Thank you. Hopefully we'll see you again."

"I'm not going anywhere." The beep sounded again. "Err...I mean like I'll be around. Now I'm gonna go before I blow this whole super hero thing...Okay, yeah. I'll just shut up now. But it was a pleasure."

I took off before I heard Cat call out, "Watch out. That tail of yours will get you into all kinds of trouble with all the lady peacocks."

The Tessen in my hands, I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks, "Actually, Cat...Paon chases a different kind of tail."

And then I winked before gliding away.

I fucking winked.

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