Friday the 13th(Part One)

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"Paris is safe once more, thanks to Ladybug and Cat Noir." I watched as the reporter spoke into the microphone. She stepped closer to the two heroes-Cat Noir's face plastered with a cheesy smile as he wrapped his arm around a slightly less amused Ladybug. In the distance, a school bell rang in unison with the one in the library I sat in, signaling the start of the day. Ladybug's face soured.

"We'd love to hear about this latest victory, Cat Noir and Ladybug, if you have the time?" The reporter shoved the microphone towards them. 

Ladybug places a hand on Cat's chest and steps forward. "Normally we would love to give a statement, but unfortunately we are on a tight schedule today. It's Friday the 13th after all; a lot of superstitions to battle."

Without another word she pulls out her yoyo and swings out of frame. A sharp smile crept up Cat's handsome face, "Jeez. Can you believe her? It's like she crossed paths with a black cat or something."

He winked and used his staff to make his exit. 

Looking up from my phone with a smile on my face, I stopped short.

 Ahead of me was an open ladder. 

Deciding not to walk under it-just in case-I stepped to the right quickening my pace. As I did, however, I stepped onto the shoes of a tall guy in athletic wear. Scowling, he spun around with his fists clenched. 

"Why don't you watch were you're going?" He stared me down, trying to intimidate me. 

Casually, I put my hand up to the side of my mouth, as if I was telling him a secret, and stood onto my tiptoes to get as close as possible without awkwardly whispering in a stranger's ear on my first day in a new school. "Just a heads up; I'm a third degree black-belt, so..."

His eye widened for a moment, then he relaxed regarding me once more. 

Or sizing me up. 

Please don't let me get into a fight on my first day. 


A smile crept across his lips. He extended his hand to me. "The name's Kim. You know, I appreciate that you weren't afraid to stand up for yourself. So...Uh..Sorry about that."

I shook my head and took his hand, "It's not the worst greeting I've gotten on a first day at a new school. I'm (y/n)."

His hand lingered in mine for a moment before a blush crept to his cheeks. "So...uh...I'm gonna go before I get in trouble for being late."

Immediately, he turns to leave. I gently place my hand on his shoulder. "Any chance you know where Miss Bustier's class is?"

"You're in luck," Kim smiled widely at me, "I'm headed in that direction now."

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