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Cat and I land just in time to see Rose fly across our vision. She's thrown in a wall, but still tries  getting to her feet. Having not seen us yet, Nevermore screeches in annoyance, "I've had enough of you! You were fun to toy with but now that your boyfriend is dead, its time to get this show on the road."

Cat's hand tightened slightly on my shoulder, causing me to turn and look into his worried eyes. "Don't do anything stupid, (Y/N). Without your miraculous, you-"

His whisper is interrupted by another screech as Nevermore rears back to dig her talons into Rose. And my feet move before my body--or Chat Noir--can stop me. I tackle Rose, less then gracefully, out of the way of Nevermore's talons. A nail or two skims across my back, but overall we're relatively unharmed. 

The harpy's cackle resonates around the area as she turns her attention onto us. Her eyes light up with new found joy as she locks on. "You aren't a puddle? That means we'll just have to have more fun! I can always try again."

"Not a chance!" Chat shouts to gain her attention. She turns in time to catch the end of his staff against her cheek. Jostled, she tumbles out of the air but her grip remains tight on the peacock bracelet.  

She shrieks in a twisted joy as she attempts to stand, "I always love a chance to put bad kitties in their place." 

In the blink of an eye, she's flying at Cat-delivering blow after blow of her talons barely blocked by his staff. Cat somehow manages to keep up and I can feel my feet trying to propel me into the fray. But a soft hand on my shoulder causes me to look away from the fight. Rose's eyes are filled with devastated tears and her lip trembles. In almost a whisper she says, "Please...Don't. You could be..."

The words struck me, and for the first time my recklessness was made apparent. I tried to slow my breathing, calm the burning in my feet and focus on the fight. But Chat's luck was running out and as he began to slow down, that all-too-familiar yoyo wrapped around Nevermore's waist and pulled her away from him.

With a concerned look my way, a quick breath, and one Lucky Charm/Cataclysm combo later, the nearly unbeatable Nevermore was...well nevermore. After the usual cleanup, Ladybug and Cat approach Rose and I with my bracelet tucked in Cat's hand. Without thinking he goes to hand it to me, but Ladybug stops him and slightly motions to Rose. 

She lets out a tiny chuckle and smiles, "It's okay. I already know. (Y/N) had to transform to save me from that crazy birdbrain. Don't be too mad at him; he was just being a hero."

Ladybug shakes her head, letting one hand rest on her temple. "Why am I not surprised? Just make sure you keep it a secret, Rose. Okay?"

Cat smiles and bows, presenting the bracelet to me. It slides onto my wrist easily, and I take in how good it feels to be with me again. And as soon as Ayra popped out I realize that it home.

And that scares me. Silently, I hug Ayra as tight as I can, and don't want to let go of her.

"Are you okay?" Cat asks looking distraught as tears fall from my eyes. 

"It'll be fine; just hold on to that miraculous a little better and next time-"

"No..." I spoke so softly I wasn't sure they could hear me. But Ladybug's silence says otherwise. They had. 

"No?" Rose asks a little confused. "No what?"

"Defying the bug, aye?" Chat let out an uneasy chuckle; he was holding on to hope that I was joking.

"I love you Ayra. And I'm so sorry." I snuggle against her once more, but she remains silent only offering the smallest of nods. 

Tears in her eyes to match my own. 

She felt it too...

"But I can't be Paon anymore. I can't be a hero. I keep putting so many people at risk and I feel like someone should've taken this miraculous from me sooner. But Rose...she almost died. And then I almost died. And if anyone else almost dies, I'm gonna break. Plus, the press knows that I'm dating you, Chat. I can't let them know that I'm Paon too. It will lead to digging and they already know too much. I...I have to give it up..."

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now