Don't Be A Scaredy Cat (Part III)

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I closed my eyes and waited for the end. 

"Not so fast! We're not done!" Ladybug's voice sounded as I heard Cheshire grunt, his grip loosened a little.

 I opened my eyes to see that she had somehow managed to wrap her yoyo around Cheshire's waist and was yanking him away from me. Before he could break free of her grasp, Cat leaped into the air-sunlight glistening off of his skintight suit.

"Cataclysm!" He shouted, bringing both claws upon Cheshire's dagger. The dagger shattered and Ladybug unwound Cheshire in time to collect the Akuma as per usual.

When the Akuma was safely released back into the world, pure again, all three of us took a breath. I smiled at Ladybug, "He was a real pain in the ass; but you didn't even have to use your Lucky Charm."

"If Cat hadn't rushed in, I might've had too. How did you know the Akuma was in his dagger, though?" She gave him a sideways glance. 

His face faltered for a moment, as Chat Noir rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. "I, uh, didn't. I had just kinda hoped; but mainly I was trying to disarm him. So, clearly, I...sorta had a plan?"

Ladybug's eyes jump between Cat and me for a moment-causing us both to blush. Finally her eyes landed on me. "Just don't get yourself into too much trouble next time, Paon. We can't always be there to get you out of it."

With one final look between the two of us Ladybug swung off into the distance just as Cat's, and my own, first warning chime sounded. He looked at me for a moment, and bit his lip as though he was contemplating if he should say something. 

Finally, he nodded to himself with resolve. "Since you're sticking around, don't stress too much about the lady? I don't need you getting lost in that pretty little head of yours; she's just not use to the whole dynamic trio thing, yet."

I smiled coyly. "I get it. I am throwing off the whole dynamic. I promise to take it easy on Ladybug when she's grumpy; but you guys gotta forgive me when I get myself into a jam here or there. Let's not forget I'm new to this whole super hero thing."

A flirty smile danced across Cat's lips, holding his staff with a sudden suggestiveness. I felt a knot in my throat as he stepped closer to me, "Don't worry, Paon. I'm constantly watching your...back."

"Promise? You can't just say these things and not mean it. I'm only into guys who keep the promises they make." I said as he stopped inches from my face. 

I could feel his breath tickle my cheeks as he leaned closer to my ear. My heart thumping in my chest as I feel him nuzzle against my cheek, finally coming to a stop with his top lip gently touching my earlobe. 

A shudder is sent through me as his voice comes out sensual and raspy, "Don't worry, I always follow through."

He slowly drags his lip against my ear as he draws back from me and his eyes meet mine. Cat's emeralds glint mischievously as he smirks. Biting my lip, I grab his waist and lead him towards me. As soon as our bodies make contact, an electricity surges through me. 

I slowly wrap one arm around his neck, the other sliding down to his butt. Cupping a handful of the superhero's bottom, I closed the small distance between us deliberately taking my time. When we're finally inches from each others faces, the final warning sounded on both of our miraculous. 

Worry slipped onto his face for just a second before he spoke breathlessly. "We...should probably go...before we blow it."

I chuckled, and his face erupted with embarrassment. "I meant the whole secret identity thing; not-you know what, never mind-that is a conversation for another ti-"

I cut him off with a lengthy, passionate kiss. His body tensed and then promptly relaxed in my grip. When I pulled away he bite his lip. 

I smiled at him, slightly loosening my hold on him. "C'mon...Don't be a scaredy cat..."

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now