Me-ow...(Part 2)

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Her body collides against me with an incredible speed, and I lost my footing for only a second. Taking advantage of this, Myrtha's suddenly got her hands wrapped around my arms and hefting me over her head in a deranged dancer lift before she tosses me to the side with immense force. 

I think about standing, but suddenly feel friction as her rags tighten around my wrists, taking complete control of my mobility. A cackle sounds from her as she whips her head sharply to face Chat and Ladybug, leaving me writhing against her hold with my feet off of the ground. "Who wants to witness this little Firebird's dying dance?" The rags holding my wrists begin moving rhythmically, forcing my body to mimic a form of unnatural dancing. "Or will one of you two pigeons try to save him? The crowd waits with bated breath."

Unable to control myself, I cry out as the rags bend and twist my arms at dangerous angles. I grit my teeth as Chat exchanges a look with Ladybug. She subtly nods, and Chat charges forward without a word, while she uses her yoyo to get behind Myrtha. 

Or tried to....

Myrtha's smirk turns sinister, and without much effort from her at all, her rags catch Ladybug by the foot and Chat Noir around the neck simultaneously. One rag wretches Ladybug forwards-causing her to lose her grip on the yoyo-and is now dangling in Myrtha's peripheral, while the other rag around Chat's neck pulls him closer until he's face-to-face with Myrtha. 

"Now, now. You never answered me," the rag tightens more around Chat's throat, "Who is going to play hero?"

Stubborn as always, Adrien tries to choke out an answer, as Myrtha's rag spins an upside down Ladybug in continuous circles. 

"P...Paon-" I attempted to do anything to help before the final rag protruding from her snakes around my mouth, instantly silencing me. 

"Shh, now...Battu by ballet, birdie." Myrtha shrieks, pirouetting in place and madly jostling the three of us about. "This is the part of the show, when the bad guys win. Three miraculous to collect, and a city to leave grovelling beneath my point shoes... "

I feel my the rag around my mouth snake higher, and begin blocking my nostrils. Suffocating, my vision starts to be obscured by tears, I can't help but think that this may really be the end.

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