Here Kitty, Kitty.

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The sound of my ringtone woke me up with a start. I groan, aggressively shoving my head under the pillow. "Nooooooooooooooo."

I hear slight fumbling, some muttering and then a clatter. 


The ringtone ended, causing me to peek out from under the pillow. I see Ayra casually reclining where my phone was on the night stand. I sleepily smirk at her, "Do I even wanna know what you just did?"

"Shush. Let's just ignore him and sleep for a few more hours..." She huffs at me, floating back onto the bed. She settles unto the area next to me, and closes her eyes immediately. 

"Him, who? Ayra...?" I fully shift onto my side and remove my head from under the pillow. 

She casually opens one eye and stares at me, "You really want me to answer that?"

A pain suddenly struck me in my chest. "It's Kim, isn't it? How many times has he called?"

"C'mon, you don't wanna know, (Y/N). Trust me...You've actively been avoiding looking at your phone all weekend." She took to the air and began wringing her hands uncomfortably.

"Ayra, just tell me. I'll be okay..." 

"Okay...but you have to remember that you've been ghosting him for like 3 days and-"

"Ayra!" Her name came out as more then a shout as I had intended. I took a deep breath, immediately feeling bad for raising my voice when she flinched away. After a moment, I beckoned her closer with a jerk of my head, "I'm sorry. Just please tell me. I promise I won't yell at you ever again...I'm just..."

"Its okay...You're hurt. I just am worried this will make it worse. But if you're sure..."

"I am. Promise."

"He's called exactly...twenty-six times. Sent twelve texts...and  left four voicemails." She took a moment of silence, watching my face as the reality of that set it. She gently nudged her head against mine, and stared into my eyes. "At the risk of overstepping and getting yelled at...Maybe you should talk to him...You never actually  told him what was going on. He's just worried..." 

"How can do that? How can I possibly break his heart?" I waited for a response but got none.

I looked over to see Ayra's eyes wide and fixed behind me. She looked surprised more the anything. Before I could turn, a voice added more questions to answer than I had previously.

"Huh. I thought you were an expert at breaking hearts by now, (Y/N)?"


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