King-Slayer (One)

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The human in front of me, who is staring with his mouth agape, startles briefly when I speak directly to him. "Apologies, but I have other business to attend to...Tis much more important than this drivel." 

Without another second wasted, I grab a blank card from the deck on my hip and throw it at his feet. It embeds itself in the ground, and after a flash the boy is trapped inside of it, his image displayed on the front of an Ace of Hearts card. Leaving the Ace in the ground, I leap into the air and begin bounding rooftops towards Hawkmoth's location. 

A short distance into my journey, a tiny nuisance sounded in my head. 

A voice? 

But not my master's. 

"Who dares speak to the King of Hearts? Make yourself known and be dealt with." I bellow into the air.

Silence follows.

But seconds later, a blue gnat manifests with fear in its eyes.


Shaking the hesitation from myself, I step toward her. "Speak or know my fury, small one."

Without surrendering to the fear shown in her eyes, she puffs out her tiny chest and flits to hover directly in front of me. Her voice doesn't even quiver. "(Y/N), you have to snap out of this. Whatever this is, you can't let Hawkmoth control you."

After a beat of silence, watching her hold her breath, a laugh echoes in my mind.

Oh...This must be Paon's kwami. How quaint that she thinks she will make a difference here, don't you agree King of Hearts?


"Small, brave one; I declare just once that you must not get involved. Your courage impresses me, but that only grants you so much mercy. Stand down." My hand hesitates on the cards at my waist.   

She scoffed at me and pushed even closer to my face. "Your words don't scare me! I know you, (Y/N). You're Paon for god's sake! Don't give up; fight this!" Don't be...dumb...

In the blink of an eye, my hand is around her frail body. I pull her further away from my face, staring down at her, my human's miraculous catching the sunlight. "I gave you a chance, and you cast it to the wayside. Now...I regretfully must make you move."   

I feel her shuddering breaths as I start to tighten my grip....

Her face contorts in pain and her voice is a choked whisper. "...(Y/N)...Please..."


The sudden impact to my wrist causes me to lose my grip. My gaze rips away from her to Chat Noir and Ladybug facing off against me. Chat's staff retracts and in a fluid motion, he leans against it casually. "First of all, that's no way to speak to a lady. And secondly, pick on, someone your own size."

His face softens as he glances at the courageous sprite. "Ayra...Why exactly are you here? And what is this guy's issue with you?"

With speed that I could not match, the sprite unclasps my human's miraculous  and hurls it towards Chat Noir. A light surrounds her as she starts to disappear; just her voice calling out to him. "It's (Y/N). Please, save him Cat."

A new hesitation creeps onto Chat's face; and even Ladybug seems uneasy. She steps forward, hands held up defensively. "(Y/N)...How did you get yourself into this mess?" 

"M'lady, be careful." Cat Noir takes a cautious step to the opposite side, flanking me. "He's still akumatized..."

"Enough questions. The sprite had more courage than either of you; its laughable. You call yourselves heroes, yet you...feel too much. If its any comfort, you have my word that this will be over quickly." 

And then I rushed them.

Cat Got Your Tongue?  (Chat Noir x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now