Ugh, Feelings...

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Adrien stared at me dumbfounded for a moment. Then a smirk tried breaking the seriousness creeping into the air. "Haha. Very funny, (Y/N). But we've already done-"

"No!" I shook my head taking another step back. "No...Paon and Cat Noir did this...Whatever this is! But I'm with Kim, Adrien. And I can't just break up with him just because I-"

I stopped myself, forcing the words back down my throat. A sudden deafening silence hung between us; thick and suffocating replacing the previously cool evening air. 

The smirk faltered for a moment, and I saw the true Adrien slip through the confident facade. I bore witness to the smirk slip away, watched as the shine in his eyes was replaced by hurt. I felt the stab of pain as he forced himself to look away and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Okay, yeah...Sure. I-I get it. Just make sure Kim takes care of you?"

"Please, Adrie-" Before I could call him back, he gently pushed past me and disappeared down the dimly lit stairwell. Ayra gently landed on my shoulder, and leaned her head against my cheek. "Well...that kinda sucked..."

I glanced at her sadly. "You have no idea..."

"So tell me?" She nudged against me.


"Listen...I've been your Kwami for a few weeks now and I feel like we don't really know anything about each other." She folded her little winged arms; her eyes challenging me.

"I don't really do the whole...feelings thing." I tried to change the topic, while sitting cross-legged on the roof top. 

"I've noticed." Ayra gave me the side-eye of the century. "You suck royally at it. But we're gonna do it anyway!"

"Wow...You are so reassuring, Ayra." A soft smile graced my lips, despite my heart still aching. "It's not that easy for me. Like, sure, I like Cat--or Adrien, I guess...He's charming. Handsome. Confident. And he's so sweet to me...As Paon and as (Y/N)..."

"Okay." She flits to the edge of the roof next to me and stares me down. "So what's the problem?"

"Really?!" I throw my hands up to my face, aggressively rubbing my brow. "I'm in a relationship with Kim, Ayra. And he's-"

I stopped short.

My heart slows to a subtle beat, and suddenly I'm struck by a heart-breaking realization.

"He's what?" She flies right between my eyes. "Don't shut down; talk to me, dummy."

I let out a slow exhale, and shut my eyes gently. "I was making a pro and cons list in my head...But when I got to actually comparing Kim to Adrien, things got...difficult."

"Difficult, how?" 

"He's also kind and handsome and charming, but even so they're...just not the same. There is just something about how Adrien makes me feel altogether. I think...No. I know  things with Kim aren't going to work out in the end. Adrien already knows pretty much every facet of my life-the superhero side and the regular guy. And Kim just won't ever be able to know all of me...He can't..."

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