Curiosity Killed...(Part 1)

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I turn my entire body...tactfully, and end up on the floor. A heap of blankets and flailing limbs, the silence is broken by a familiar laugh. "Even though I'm still pissed , (Y/N), that made me feel waaay better." 

After a moment of struggling, I'm finally free from my cotton and wool prison and I see Adrien leaning against my door frame. His momentary smirk melts away when we lock eyes. He clears his throat, shifting awkwardly. "I'm glad to see that you're alone. We didn't want to bother you if you had company."

"We?" I asked as he quickly coughed and nodded toward Ayra. Unlike me, she seemed to instantly understand his meaning, and hid just in time to be out of sight when Kim fumbled through the door. 

Kim stood behind Adrien, a nervous look in his eyes. He slowly stepped around Adrien, who stayed rooted in the doorway. Kim took one more hesitant step forward, before finally speaking. "I was so worried about you, (Y/N). I wasn't able to get in contact with you all weekend and I was....I just couldn't....Is everything alright?" 

Immediately, my eyes jumped to Adrien before quickly settling back on Kim. I sighed and looked to the floor, avoiding his eyes. Unaware that my gaze had even flitted to Adrien, Kim dropped down next to me, "You know you can talk to me about anything right? I know we've only been together for a few weeks, but I thought we were comfortable enough to talk to each other..." 

I quickly glance back to the doorway as Adrien slips just outside. I can see his blond hair rest against the wall of the hallway-not out of earshot or sight, but just out of reach. My resolve strengthened, and, looking back to Kim, I knew what I had to do. "Kim...I haven't been answering you, because...well...Shit this gonna be hard to say-"

Kim places a hand on my shoulder, "Whatever it is, just tell me?"

"Because I don't think my heart is in it...This relationship, I mean. Us....Like you and I."

He blinks slowly and I watch him physically try to slow his breathing as pain, anger and hurt all flash across his face. I have to look away as I feel heat kiss my tear ducts.

His grip tighten slightly but soon I realize it was in a comforting squeeze. I glance back to his face in surprise to see that the emotion settled in his features is understanding. "Okay...I mean its not okay...But it is. Because when about someone it means that we need to know when to hold on and when to let them go..."

My heart drops and the tears start to slowly fall. "Kim...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you but-"

"I know, (Y/N). I know. But you did hurt me...and it sucks. So, I guess, this is me letting you go...Don't beat yourself up about it though...I'll be okay eventually." 

And in one swift motions, he stood and walked out of my bedroom.

...Kim's gone...? 

And he's hurting....Its my fault. 

Why did I think this would be easy...

Now he's...

Before my mind could fold in on itself, I'm pulled back to reality as hands suddenly cup my cheeks, thumbs rubbing away my tears. I look up to meet familiar green eyes.


"Hey, (Y/N)...its okay. I'm here now." He said, kneeling in front of me on the floor. "And I'm not going anywhere until you ask me to leave. Got it?"

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