The Kiss

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3rd person
   Roman and Virgil really never got along. They always fought, disagreed and ignored each other. A few days after the incident they didn't talk. Virgil never came out of his room and Roman was much less...enthusiastic. Shortly after the incident things changed, for both Roman and Virgil.
   The incident happened about a week ago. Roman and Virgil were bickering as usual when Patton came in trying to break them up. Roman started calling Virgil names and Virgil finally got pushed over the edge. He pushed Roman causing him to trip over something, and in the last second he pulled Virgil down too.    
   Virgil landed right on top of Roman. Virgil felt something soft against his lips. When he opened his eyes he saw a surprised Roman staring back at him. That's when he realized the soft thing against his lips were Roman's lips. As soon as Virgil saw that he was kissing Roman he stood up quickly and bolted to his room embarrassed.       
   Roman chased after him but Virgil was faster and he locked his room before Roman could catch up. Roman banged on Virgil's door yelling "Verg please open up. Virgil open the door!" He stayed outside Virgil's room all day waiting for him, and all Roman could think about was the kiss and how much he loved it. He loved how warm and sweet Virgil's lips were.
   Roman couldn't stop thinking about how Virgil's  lips fit so perfectly with his.
   Virgil just sat in his room thinking about the incident, the...kiss. Virgil was so confused. Was he actually falling for Roman? Were Roman's feelings mutual? Why else would he stay outside his door all day? Virgil was so confused about it.
   Roman eventually gave up and left. Roman couldn't go to sleep that night he only thought of kissing Virgil again. 
   Virgil got sleep, very little like always but an hour or two at least. He dreamed of Roman backing him into a corner and making out with him. The thing was Virgil was enjoying it. He didn't know why though. He couldn't do anything except stand there and take it. 
   Roman was starting to take Virgil's clothes off in the dream. First the jacket then the shirt and just as Roman was about to take Virgil's pants off Virgil woke up. "What the heck? Why was I dreaming about that?" Virgil was so embarrassed and confused at the same time. He looked in the mirror and of course he was blushing.
  Roman POV
"-man! Roman!" Thomas yelled to get my attention. "Sorry Thomas, what troubles can I help you with today?" I said in my princley gentle voice. "Is something wrong? You seem preoccupied. Also you look like very tired." Thomas asked worried. "Oh. It's nothing Thomas. You shouldn't worry about me. Just didn't get much sleep." I secretly wanted to tell him everything but I didn't want him to worry about my problems. "Ok well, lately I been feeling calmer, less stressed. Is Virgil ok?" As soon as I heard his name the flashbacks of the kiss came flooding back.
Virgil POV
   "Does Roman like me? Does he hate me? Oh god he probably hates me!" Ever since the kiss I have been about 50 times more anxious. It's been 3 days since the kiss and I can't even bring myself to go outside my room let alone talk to Roman. "I have to do this. It's now or never. I can do this! All you have to do is talk to Roman about how he feels and not be severely awkward."
   I unlocked my door to reveal that Roman wasn't there. "Must be helping Thomas or something." I walked down the hall going past Logan's, Patton's  and Roman's rooms. I pushed lightly on Roman's door which I found out was locked. When I walked into the commons I saw Patton making something in the kitchen.
   He saw me and ran over to give me a hug "Hey kiddo are you ok? Do you want some food?" "I'm not a baby Patton and let go of me." I said pushing Patton off me. "Do you know where Roman is?" I asked. Patton seemed sad, then he spoke "H-he. He locked himself in his room, he won't come out." "Why? Why would he do that?" I asked very worried now. Patton shrugged.
   I ran to Roman's room and knocked softly. No answer. "Roman I know you're in there!" I knocked harder, no answer again. "Roman open up now! This isn't funny!" I sat there for about half an hour before I knocked again.
    "Who is it?" he said sounding almost depressed. "It's me, Virgil." As soon as he heard my name he ran to the door. But it didn't open instead he said "I need to tell you something..." I sat against the door listening. "Go on, tell me." I said. "I like you." "Ok. So why are you locking yourself in your room? Because you want to be friends?" I asked confused. Then all of a sudden I fell backwards. When I looked up I saw a laughing, tired looking Roman staring back at me. When he stopped laughing he said "You don't understand I...I love you." I stood there shocked.
Roman POV 
   Oh no he's just standing there. I messed up. He doesn't feel the same. He doesn't like m-I suddenly felt something warm on my lips. I knew it was Virgil. I opened my eyes to see a blushing Virgil with his eyes closed enjoying every second of it. I closed my eyes and smiled deepening the kiss. We kissed for about 5 minutes until we couldn't breathe.
Virgil POV
   Roman grabbed me and pulled me inside. He lead me over to the bed where we made out for an hour before Patton came in asking about all the moaning and basically fanboyed. Roman laughed while I scowled at Patton for interrupting us.
   "So I guess we're dating now? Is it official?" Roman asked. I looked into his eyes *sigh* his deep, beautiful, glistening, brown eyes. "Of course. Also about earlier, sorry for freezing up. Also for kissing you out of no where, I just saw you panicking and didn't know how else to calm you down." Prince looked at me and smiled "It's ok we love each other and that's what matters." "I will never stop loving you Princey."
"Me too Sunshine"
"Sir Singalot"
"Jason Dean"
"Heather Chandler"
"Prince Perfection"
"Fine you win"
I laughed and so did Prince.
      ❤️That's how we fell in love❤️

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