Take It Slow

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Virgil knocked nervous. Roman opened the door. "Oh hello Virg. What can I help you with." "I need to tell you something. Something important." "Oh well come in." Roman said stepping aside. Virgil hesitated. "It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." Roman said smiling lightly. Virgil walked in slowly. Roman closed the door. When he turned around Virgil was sitting on his bed looking down. His black clothes contrasted with the white and gold room. "So what is it?" "Don't overreact ok?" "Yeah ok." "Alright." "I promise it's ok. I'm here for you. I'm here to support you." Roman reassured him. "Really?" Virgil kept putting it off.

   "Virgil just say it." "I love you!" He yelled. "Really?" "Yeah why?" "I love you too." "Wait your not joking?" "Not at all." "So we're dating?" "Yeah I guess." Roman leaned in and kissed Virgil. Virgil panicked and pushed him away gently. "R-Roman I uh..." "Oh! Sorry! I should've asked! I'm sorry!" Virgil smiled. "It's ok let's just take it slow." He held out his hand. Roman smiled and took his hand.

   After a little bit of watching TV and holding hands Roman spoke. "So how many steps until we start smooching?" He said jokingly. Virgil laughed and pushed him lightly. "Shut up. You just can't wait until you get all of this." He said gesturing to himself. "Yeah I can't but I must." He said dramatically. "Fine come here." Roman moved his face closer. Virgil grabbed his face and kissed his cheek. "Is that it?" "Yes. Respect my limits." "Yes Princess." He said bowing jokingly. "Don't call me Princess, Ro." "Whyyy? I'm your Prince and your my Princess." He giggled. "That's it. Come here." He said chasing Roman around the mind.

A/N: Thank you all for 3k views! I really really really appreciate it. I never thought that would ever happen! Thank you all so much!

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