Love Sick

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Note: So quick note before the one shot starts, THE NEWEST SANDERS SIDES VIDEO IS SO GOOD! OMG! Ok I'm done fangirling, on with the one shot. 😄
Roman POV
   I went over to Virgil's room. I needed to tell him. I knocked and heard footsteps. Virgil opened the door. "What do you want?" "I need to tell you something." "What is it Roman?" "I like you, a lot." I said confidently. "You l-like me? As a friend?" "No. Like this."
   I leaned over and kissed Virgil lightly. When I pulled away I expected to see Virgil disgusted that I kissed him without consent, (haha reference) but he just stood there shocked. I waved my hand in front of his face but he just stared off into space. "Virgil! Virgil!" I yelled. Logan came down the hall and said "Looks like you broke him. What did you do?" "I might have maybe...well I-I...I like Virgil and I was going to tell him but he didn't understand so I kissed him and this *points at Virgil* happened." "So he's in shock because you kissed him?" "Yeah." Logan laughed then walked away.
   "Oh great now what will I do?" I looked back over at Virgil still in shock. "Is it my fault?" I clapped my hands, poked his arm, and even moved his bangs away, which he hates, but nothing worked. I got an idea maybe if I do it again he will come back to reality. So I did it, I kissed his cheek and he came back. "What just happened?" "What do you mean what happened? You stood here for 10 minutes staring off into space!" "I did?" "Yeah you scared me!" "Sorry." Then Virgil moaned and grabbed his head. "Oww." "Are you ok?" "Just a little headache I'm fine." "You sure?" "Yeah I just ne-Aauggh!" Then he dropped to the floor and fell unconscious. "Virgil! Virgil!" Logan heard me screaming and came running. "Logan! I need you to help me! He just collapsed!" "Ok Roman just calm down. Now help me get him to his room." I nodded and picked him up.
   I sat next to Virgil staring at him. "This is my fault, I know it." I whispered. "I'll try to find a diagnosis then I'll be back." I nodded. I waited. After about 20 minutes Logan came into Virgil's room with a piece of paper. " it bad?" I asked worried. "I'm afraid it is. Virgil sick." I laughed "Love sick really?" But Logan wasn't laughing he looked concerned. "I know it sounds ridiculous but it's a serious condition. It causes *Logan looks down at the paper* headaches, unconsciousness, high temperature and amnesia." "How did this happen?!" "My guess is that when you kissed him he got so overwhelmed because he never felt love before that he got love sickness." "So it's my fault?" "Precisely. Sorry."
   Around an hour later Virgil woke up. "Virgil! Your awake!" I yelled. Virgil cringed at my volume. "Sorry." I whispered. "Who are you?" Oh no amnesia! As soon as he saw me his eyes widened. "I'm Prince." He said confused but then smiled and sat up. "Are you Prince Charming because boy are you hot!" "Uhh..thank you." "Do you have a significant other?" "No not at the moment." I said feeling really uncomfortable. He got really close to my face. "Good" Virgil took my face in his hands and kissed me not letting me go. He also sat on my lap.
   I stood there unsure if I should like it or not. This is what I wanted but is it if he doesn't know who I am? I pushed him off me. I breathed heavily as he fell onto the floor. "Am I not good enough for you?" He yelled. He stood up a glared at me. He slowly walked closer and closer to me. I screamed when I saw him summon a knife in his hand. Probably shouldn't have done that. Logan and Patton came running into the room. "Roman! We heard you yell is everything okay?"
   They saw Virgil was about to kill me and grabbed him to stop him. He kicked and thrashed to try to break free but he couldn't. Virgil finally ran out of energy and passed out. "I forgot to mention, love sickness amnesia causes the person to fall madly in love with the person who caused it and make them do anything to have them. You aren't supposed to reject them or they will hurt you." "Would have been useful information." I said.
   I looked over at Virgil. Why didn't I just stay quiet. You would be yourself. "Logan!" I yelled. "Yes?" "You never told me how to stop love sickness." "Ahh a cure! Let's see *looks at paper*...oh no." "What?" "You his heart." "What!?" "I'm sorry but it's the only way." "I can't break his heart, I love him!" "Roman this is the only way. Do you want him to live like this forever?" "Fine, if it's the only way." "It is." "Logan, I know."
   I went to my room to think of how to break his heart. How do I break up with someone I love? I need to do it soon.
   I walked down to his room and knocked. I didn't hear anything so I knocked again still no answer. I started walking back to my room when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Virgil. "Why were you knocking on my door?" "Do you know who I am?" "Yeah you're Prince, Roman, Thomas' fanciful side." Well at least he got his memory back. "I-I..." It's now or never.
   "I don't like you. I see now that you aren't my type." Virgil stood there shocked. Oh no I did it again! "R-Roman. I can't." He ran back to his room. Now I really messed up. "Virgil! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" "Yes you did! You hate me!" "Virgil please!" Then his door slammed shut.
   "Logan!!" "What?" "You did this!"
"Did what?" "Virgil hates me now!" "How is this my fault?" "You told me to break his heart! Now he won't listen to me!" "Oooh. Well at least he's cured." "How do I fix this?" "Maybe say sorry and explain why you did it." "True!"
   I got a pen and paper and wrote a letter.
Dear Virgil,
  I know I broke your heart but before you rip up this letter. I only did it to cure your love sickness. I'm sorry for making you feel bad. I actually love you with all my heart. If you feel the same come to my room. -Roman
I taped it to his door and ran back to my room.
Virgil POV
   I got hungry so I opened the door to see a note on my it. I read it out loud.
Dear Virgil,
I know I broke your heart but before you rip up this letter. I only did it to cure your love sickness. I'm sorry for making you feel bad. I actually love you with all my heart. If you feel the same come to my room. -Roman
"Wait. Love sick? Oh god! Did I have amnesia? Did I hurt him?" I ran to his room and opened it. Roman was sleeping. Perfect. I got an idea. "Oh no my Prince has been put under a sleeping curse. How shall I awaken him? A kiss! That is how I shall awaken my love!" I laughed at how good I was impersonating Roman. I walked over and put one hand on each side of his head and kissed him. His lips were so sweet. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I pulled away but Roman pulled me back down. I didn't realize I was kissing him for about 5 minutes and he had fully woken up. We continued kissing for about 10 minutes, every once in a while taking a breath. When we pulled away Roman said "So you love me?" "No kidding!" I laughed.
   2 hours later
Virgil POV
  Roman explained everything to me. "So when you kissed me it caused me to get love sickness." "Yes." "Since love sickness causes amnesia I forgot who you were, kissed you, then tried to kill you for rejecting me." "Exactly." "So Logan said to cure it you needed to break my heart but you didn't want to since you love me." "Mmhm" "So you did it anyway to save me. But you regretted it when you saw how sad I was." "Yeah." "But I was actually cured when I kissed you." "Yeah. Again sorry for hurting you."
   "Oh no I think I'm catching it again! Hurry, kiss me before it gets worse!" I said putting a hand on my forehead falling onto his lap laughing. "Oh no I can't lose you again!" Roman quickly grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed back enjoying it. That's when Patton walked past the door which I forgot to close and fanboyed. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Patton screamed. We didn't bother to look at him and just kept making out.
   I will never love anyone like I love him because he saved me. He caused it, but when he did he saved me and still loves me.

God this took way too long to write! Also, 1555 words, my fanfics are getting really long.

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