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A/N: So my friends gave me an idea. And now I'm shitposting because I can. There will be multiple short ones.
(the first is a literal conversation my friends had)
   *Virgil does the upside down👌 thing to Patton*
*Patton is confused and Roman gasps*
Patton: "What did he do?"
Roman: "Show him what you did!"
Virgil: "No! You do it!"
Roman: "Demonstrate what you did!"
Virgil: "No! You're my counselor tell me what I did wrong!"
Roman: "Show him what you did!"
Virgil: "You're my counselor!"
Patton: "What did he do?"
Virgil: "You're my counselor!"
Roman: "Do it! Show him!"
*Virgil and Roman continue arguing while Patton sits in the corner*

Shitpost #2

"Virgil?" Roman said opening his door.
The door opens to Virgil sitting on his bed. Virgil looked at him. "Welcome to hell." "Uhh...thanks." Roman said backing up.

Shitpost #3

*Some princess flirts with Roman*
Roman: I have a boyfriend
*Virgil appears*
Virgil: ...razzle dazzle bitch...

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