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   Patton and I were in his room watching Animal Channel. It was a little late and I was falling asleep. I would open and close my eyes sporadicly.
   I fell asleep then woke up to Patton's voice. "You wanna go out? Like have a date out on the town?" I slowly nodded on a count of me being sleepy. "Well come on then." He said pulling me up.

   We were heading out the door. "We are gonna have so much fun tonight." Patton said. I agreed. We walked down the street holding hands. We walked around town, shopping, eating and just being together.

~Time Skip~

   It was 9pm and we were heading home. Patton had had some alcohol at the bar we went to and was slightly drunk. We was saying the funniest things as we walked. He occasionally stumbled so I held onto him.

   As we turned the corner to our house Patton saw a puppy on the other side of the road. He got excited and ran across the street.

   Then headlights shone. There was a car barreling down the road. "Patton wait!" I yelled as I reached for him but it was too late.

   I saw blood everywhere.

   I shot up in bed. "Patton!" I gasped for air. "Logan are you ok?" Patton asked concerned. I turned around and hugged Patton. "Logan? You're shaking. And crying." "I-I..." "It's ok Logan. Calm down. Take your time." I clung onto him fearing this was the dream. Patton rubbed my back and whispered soothing things until I calmed down.

   "Logan are you ok now?" "Y-yes." "I love you." "I love you more than you know."

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