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Roman POV
   Today was April 1. I woke up and heard Virgil gagging. Today I was worried about Virgil because he was coughing up blood yesterday. I tried not to think about it. Then Patton busted into my room looking worried. "Roman?! Virgil's getting worse!" "What? How?! We need to check on him!" "He won't let you in, he won't let anyone in. He's been vomiting all morning and locked his door!" "I don't care if I have to break down his door! I will help him!" I shouted.
   I ran down the hall and kicked down Virgil's door. When I got inside all I saw was Virgil on the floor passed out with blood dripping from his mouth. I ran over to him and felt his forehead, he was burning up. I picked Virgil up and laid him down on his bed. He was as pale as a ghost. I got a towel and wiped the blood from his mouth.
   "Will Virgil be ok?" Patton asked quietly. "I-I don't know Patton." I answered still standing by Virgil's bed. Then as we were leaving we heard him wake up.
   "Auggh." Virgil moaned. I ran to the side of his bed once again. "Virgil! Are you okay?" Virgil just looked at me and ran to the bathroom. I heard him vomiting. When he opened the door he stumbled and I caught him. I realized he was too weak to walk or stand. I picked him up and he clung to me. I didn't want to make him feel bad so I sat on the bed with him clinging to me. He almost instantly fell asleep in my arms. Virgil was so cute when he slept. He coughed and coughed all day.
   3 hours later Patton came in with Logan behind him. "Roman we need to talk." Logan said. "What is it?" "Virgil-he's just-well he's. He's dying." I was shocked. "No." I mumbled. "I'm sorry. I know you care for him and I know you like him but he caught a rare virus that causes your body to shut down and eat itself from the inside out." "What? How could this happen?" "He shows all the signs for it. Vomiting, coughing up blood, pale appearance, weak balance and a severely hot temperature. He has about an hour before everything shuts down." I sat there shocked. Virgil was sleeping so he didn't hear any of it. "We'll leave you alone now to think." Patton said.
   I sat there for minutes staring at Virgil, sad I would never see him smile. Virgil woke up and said "Roman, I heard everyth-*cough cough* thing I only have a few m-minutes left. Don't be sad. Thomas is p-probably better off without me, everyone is." "Don't say that! You matter! You matter to me so much!" Virgil laughed "Roman I *cough for 3 minutes* I l-love y-you. Don't forget me." Then his eyes closed, he exhaled and never inhaled again. I stood there staring at Virgil's lifeless body knowing I would never be the same. "V-Virgil? VIRGIL! I-I'll n-nev*sob*er f-forget y-you." I cried when I realized he was gone. Forever. "I never got to say I love you." I kneeled by the side of the bed with Virgil next to me laid upon it, expressionless.
   Then all of a sudden "Awww you're crying for me. I must be a better actor than I thought." What? Virgil? I looked up to see Virgil sitting up smiling at me. "Happy April Fools Roman."
   I totally forgot it was April Fools Day. "B-but you died." "Roman it was a prank. I was acting." "But you coughed up blood!" "That was fake blood." Virgil sat there while still smirking. "You had a fever, your skin was pale, you were vomiting!" "I used a hair dryer to make it feel hot, I used a lot of makeup to make it look like I was pale and that was just noises I was making to make you think I was vomiting." "Logan. Patton. The virus!" "They were both in on it. Right guys?" "Precisely. Also the virus isn't real." Logan answered stepping into the room.
  "So you all acted like he was dying just to prank me?" "It was MY idea after all." Virgil said proudly. "Sorry Roman it seemed like fun." Patton said. "He gave me time alone." Logan said. Virgil just sat there smiling, proud of what he had done to me. "Virgil I really want to slap you for that but I'm so glad you're alive. So instead I'll do this." I then pulled him into a kiss.
   When I pulled away I saw a stunned Virgil staring back at me. He just sat there in shock. Patton and Logan left after that. Well more like Logan had to drag Patton out of the room to leave us alone. Virgil didn't say anything before pulling me onto the bed and kissing me. When we pulled away I said "I still hate you for making me think you were dead." "I don't believe that for a second Roman." I smiled and we continued making out. That the best and worst day of my life.

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