A Ball

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Third Person

Logan, Patton and Virgil had been invited to a ball by Roman. Of course they all went. Everyone dressed as they usually did, because why not?
When they arrived they saw everyone was dressed up. Roman was the only one who looked remotely like everyone else. "Ugh why did I even come?" Virgil mumbled. "Come on Virgil! We might make some new friends!" Patton cheered. "Doubtful." Logan stated. Roman was looking around in amazement. "It's gorgeous!" He yelled.

Virgil POV

Roman turned to me. "Care to dance handsome?" He said reaching out a hand and bowing. I blushed and giggled. I took his hand. "I would love to." He pulled me close to him and we danced along with everyone else. This might be fun after all.

Patton POV

I saw Roman and Virgil dancing and got an idea. "Logan! Let's go dance!" I say grabbing his arm and pulling him to the dance floor. "B-but Patton I-I don't know how to d-dance." "It's easy. You put your hands on my waist," I moved his hands to my waist. "and I put my hands around your neck." I put them around his neck. "Now what?" He questioned. "We move our feet and dance. Side, back, side, forward. Side, back, side, forward." I said guiding him. We did this for a few minutes. "Ok good, now turn as you do it." "Alright." Logan was looking at our feet as we moved, making sure not to mess up. I chuckled. "What?" Logan asked. "You're cute when you're concentrating." He blushed. "Oh." He said. I laughed again.
We continued dancing. Logan and I kept dancing to the music. We looked into each other's eyes. I smiled and put my head on his chest as we danced. "Logan?" "Y-Yes Patton?" "I love you." There was a few seconds of silence. "I-I l-love you t-too." He stuttered. I giggled.

Logan POV

Patton had put his head on my chest and my face turned red as a Solanum lycopersicum, in simple terms a tomato. "Logan?" My heart sped up. "Y-Yes Patton?" I answered nervously. "I love you." My heart was beating out of my chest. It took me a little while to process it before answering, "I-I l-love you t-too." I heard him giggle.
I looked up and saw two familiar figures. Roman and Virgil. In the corner. Making out. "Well at least they finally realized it." I whispered. "What was that Logan?" Patton asked, his heading shooting up. "Just thinking about how much I love you." I said. "Oh really, would you like to show me how much you love me?" Patton said seductively. Wow this side of him's hot. "I would love to." I said as I connected our lips. Patton immediately kissed back.
We stopped dancing right there and then. We stood in the middle of the floor and kissed. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I pulled away and looking over. "Uh sorry to interrupt your moment but Virgil's ready to leave and I would hate to leave you two here alone, so could you two continue this at home?" Roman asked. Virgil was standing at Roman's side, clinging onto his arm and looking at Roman with nothing but pure passion and love in his eyes. "Oh uh yeah sure." I answered.
   We got home and Patton grabbed my wrist. Patton opened his door and slammed it. He pushed me against his door and looked up at me. "Now, where were we?" He said seductively again. "I think I know." I said smiling.

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