I Don't Have Feelings

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"Logan?" "What is it?" "Can I ask you something?" "Go ahead." "Cool uh..." "Go on." Logan said turning to Patton. "Do you...just maybe...feel things. Like me." Logan rolled his eyes. "Pffft. Yeah right. I don't have feelings." Logan walked off.

"Virgil!" "What?!" "Take off your headphones!" "Why?" "Just do it!" "Ok ok. Calm down." He took them off. "What do you want?" "So umm Logan has...feelings, right?" "Pfft. Hahahaha. That's funny," Virgil said laughing. "Logan, having feelings. We're talking about the same person right? Mr. Smarterthanyou, Mr. Emotionless, Mr. AllofyouareidiotsandI'mintelligent? That Logan? Yeah not a chance Pat." Patton sighed. "Alright thanks Virg."

"Roman." "Yes Padre?" "This is a stupid question but do you think Logan has emotions? Like even a little tinsy bit?" "Of course Pat. Everyone has feelings. Me, you, Virg, even Logan." "But Virgil said-" "Virgil's dumb. Don't listen to him. By the way, why do you ask?" Patton turned red. "No reason." And hurried off. Roman giggled and smiled. "There are so gonna kiss later." He said to himself.

"Logan!" "What now?" "You have feelings and I know it!" "That's insane! I told you I'm numb! No feelings! Anywhere. None. Zero. Cero. Null. Nolla. Náid. Số không. Zilch. That's that." "Well you just got mad so you do have feelings." "I do not." "You do." "Do not. "Do too~" "Do not!" "Do~ Too~" "DO NOT!" "Ha! You yelled you have feelings." Logan tried to hit Patton's arm but he moved aside. "Heh. Missed me. Missed me. Now you kiss me." Patton teased jokingly.

Logan got fed up with him. "Fine." He pulled Patton towards him. "You want me to have feelings. I'll show you what feelings I have." He leaned forward and kissed him. Patton almost immediately kissed back. He put his arms around his neck. They stood there for a while. Then, "Knew it! Told ya Virg!" "Yeah I guess he does have feelings. Especially for Patton." Virgil said, snickering the last part.

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