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Virgil POV
"I can't believe Roman actually fell for the prank!" I said to myself. I realized Roman hadn't been around for days. I must have really upset him. I walked up to his room and knocked.
"Go away!" Roman yelled. I was surprised. I had never heard him yell like that. "Hey, are you ok Roman?" I asked worried. "Are you still mad about the prank? Look I'm sorry if it upset you that much." "It's not about your stupid prank now GO AWAY!" I had never heard Roman yell that loud or angrily. I'm worried.
I left and went to my room next door. I put on my headphones and blasted MCR songs until I heard someone yell next door. It was Roman. I took my headphones off and walked over to Roman's room. I heard him screaming at himself and crying. I knocked softly "Roman are you ok? Roman, open the door please. Roman open the door. I know you probably don't want to see me right now, but I'm worried."

Roman POV
I sat on my bed with my head down. I was shaking and crying. Why can't he just leave me alone? "Why do you even care?!" I yelled at the door, where I knew Virgil was. I continued crying. "Just leave me alone." I said quietly.

Virgil POV
"I care because I love you! I know you love me too! So stop hiding from me!" I stood there for minutes. After about an hour I left realizing he wasn't going to open the door.
I left Thomas' mind to check on him. When I got there I appeared in my normal spot, the stairs. I saw Logan standing in his spot and Patton talking to Thomas. Logan just looked at me and said "You did this didn't you!" He pointed to Thomas who looked like a nervous wreck. "No I just came here to tell him and all of you that Roman isn't...Roman. He's crying and screaming at himself. I was hoping someone could help. He won't listen to me!" Logan and Patton stared at me in shock. "I'll help you with Roman. Patton take care of Thomas." Logan said. Patton nodded and Logan sank down. I sank down along with Logan.
When we broke the lock we opened Roman's door to find Roman laying on the floor unconscious. I ran over to him and saw a puddle of red coming from his wrist. There was also a huge cut across his wrist. Then I realized this must not be real. He would never actually hurt himself. Then I realized this must be a revenge prank. "Ha ha Roman, pretending to cut your wrist to get back at me. Very funny." Then Logan responded with "Virgil, he isn't pretending. His heart rate is slow and he isn't breathing." I felt his heart rate. Logan was right it was slow and he wasn't breathing. "Virgil, help me get him to his bed."
Logan then left to get some bandages for Roman. I looked at Roman's emotionless face and almost cried. "Why would you do this? You know you matter to me. To all of us. I can't live without you." I got curious and pulled Roman's sleeve back. I saw several other scars from times that he must have cut himself.
Was Roman depressed? How long had this been happening for? When I heard Logan coming down the hall I pulled Roman's sleeve back down. I got the bandages from Logan and helped him wrap up Roman's wrist. "I can stay and watch him if you have other things to do." Logan asked. "No you have to help Patton's take care of Thomas. I'll get you if I need you." "Your right. I wish you luck." "Thanks you too." I said watching him leave.
I walked over to Roman. I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. Roman was still unconscious but I decided to talk like he could hear me anyway. "Roman your behavior is affecting Thomas. You need to be happy and confident again, for Thomas. We need you to make him happy, to give hope and confidence. Just don't keep hurting yourself because when you do your hurting Thomas too." I then dozed off in the chair holding Roman's hand in mine.
Later I suddenly woke up to screaming. It was.....Roman? I opened my eyes to see Roman staring harshly at me. "Why are you staring at me like that?" "Because you should've left me to die! You should've just left me to bleed out like I wanted! Just stop trying to help me!" Then Roman stomped out of the room. "Is he serious? Does he really want to kill himself? The cheerful, confident, fanciful Roman?" I walked out Roman's room and couldn't spot him anywhere. Oh no! I hope he wasn't summoned.
I appeared outside of Thomas' mind to see Thomas nervous and shaking. He was sitting on the couch talking to Patton. While Logan was yelling at Roman for Thomas' current state. No one really noticed when I showed up. Everyone was too wrapped up in their own business. Then Patton spotted me and motioned for to come over. I ran over them. "So how is he?" I asked concerned. "Well, he has been a nervous wreck all day. I can't seem to calm him down. He won't even talk. He just sits here, shaking. I think he's getting worse." "Did Logan find out why Roman is depressed?" "Well they've been screaming at each other for about 10 minutes so I guess not." I stood there for a minute wondering if there was anything I could do. "I guess I better leave. I don't want to make Thomas feel worse." Patton waved. Then I sank down.
I sat in the commons of Thomas' mind pondering why Roman would be so depressed. "It doesn't make sense almost nothing makes him sad! What could be so horrible that it makes Roman sad?" I yelled to myself. Then I saw a light and Roman appeared. I kept staring at the floor to avoid contact. I don't think he saw me in the far corner of the room. "They don't know what I'm going through! They don't know anything! That's it! I'm ending it all tomorrow!" Roman yelled not even spotting me. What did he mean by ending it all? Was he going to tell us what is happening? Was he going to He would never do that. Would he?
I barely slept like usual. All I heard was Roman yelling. He did this every night, he was beginning to look like me with the dark circles under his eyes. When I looked at the clock I realized it was 8am. I noticed that Roman wasn't screaming. "Time to see if he *gulp* did it." I got dressed and walked to Roman's door. I pushed open the door knowing if I knocked he wouldn't let me in anyway. What I saw was horrifying.
Roman actually did it. He hanged himself. Roman was hanging over the side of the bed with a noose around his neck. There was a pool of blood underneath him. To my left I saw a note on his bedside table. It read:
Dear Everyone,
I'm sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore, I hanged myself to end my suffering. If Virgil is reading this just know I love you and always will. Take care of Thomas for me. ~Roman
"No...NO! Roman! Please don't leave me alone. Why would he do this?!" I fell to my knees and started crying. Then, after 5 minutes I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see a smiling Roman laughing at me. "That's what you get for making me think you were dead a week ago. You really fell for it." I was still slightly crying. He knelt down and hugged me."Awww Virgil you really do care about me! I'm sorry, but I had to get you back for your prank you pulled on me."
Roman POV
I half expected Virgil to slap me or punch me, but instead he kissed me. "I'm so glad your alive! I couldn't live without you!" He said after kissing me. "You really did get me quite concerned for you. Let me guess Logan, Patton, and Thomas helped you make the performance better. And that's fake blood isn't it?" "Correct. Also good job, you did become suspicious when I "cut" my wrist. Luckily Logan was there to convince you." "I gotta say you did a great job Roman. You really scared me with that last part." "Scared? You were crying!" "I would punch you so hard right now if I didn't think you were dead a few minutes ago." "How about we go out for ice cream to make you feel better?" "Ok." We talked and kissed all night. There was something in the back of my mind saying I was too harsh but Virgil supported me saying it was a great performance.

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