Stop it.

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Virgil POV
I woke up to someone moving beside me. I opened my eyes and saw Roman staring tiredly at me and smiling. "Morning Roman." I said turning on my side with my back towards him. "Good morning babe. How did you sleep?" He moved his hand up and down my body. I blushed. "S-stop it!" I said pushing his hands off me and laughing. He laughed.
"You know you like it." Roman whispered making me blush harder. "Can you not do this every morning?" He put his arms around my waist. "It's not my fault you're irresistible." Roman said pulling me close to him. "You're so cliché." I laughed. "Yeah I know." Roman laughed.

A Few Hours Later

I was talking to Patton when Roman came over. "Hey Virgil. Hi Patton." "Hi Roman." We both said. Then Logan yelled. "Patton could you help me with something?" "Yeah sure!" Then Patton left, leaving Roman and me alone. Roman stood next to me and we talked for a while. Roman had his arm around my waist. I felt him moving it. "Don't you dare." I whispered. Roman looked at me and grinned.
   Then he touched my butt. "Roman! Stop it!" I said pushing his arm away. Roman laughed. "Come on Virg. Let me have some fun." "Touching my body inappropriately without asking isn't fun, it's wrong." "Oh come on, stop being so childish. You know you love me." Roman teased. "Whatever." I said sitting down.

A Few Hours Later
We all were about to go to sleep. I went to sleep with Roman since, you know, he's my boyfriend and stuff. "God I hope he doesn't do what he did earlier." I said under my breath. After a couple minutes I was about to fall asleep. Right as I was falling asleep I felt hands go up and down my body.
I got up, angry. "That's it!" "Where are you going?" Roman asked sadly. "To my room!" I stomped towards the door. Roman got up. "Alone!" I yelled then closed the door.
I sat in my room, talking to myself. "Stupid prince, thinks he can just do whatever he wants without consequences. Treats me like an object. He is so stupid sometimes! Just wanna stop being near him." I muttered. "Look at me. I'm Roman. I never think about my boyfriend's feelings and treat everyone else as peasants. I'm just so great because everyone likes me and I'm pretty." I said mockingly. Then I got tired.
   I woke up the next morning with a knock at my door. "What?" I asked. "M-may I come in?" A voice asked. "Whatever." I said turning my back to the door. I heard the door open and someone sit on the edge of my bed. "A-about last night, I-I'm sorry. I know I should consider how you feel but..." He said. I sighed. I turned over to face him.
"Hi." "Hi." We just stared at each other. Roman just laid down next to me and grabbed my hand. He smiled at me and I kissed his cheek. I got an idea. Revenge.
I touched his butt and body like he did with me. He blushed. "How does it make you feel?" I said laughing. He laughed and looked at me. "Like I'm even more in love with you than before." I was surprised and blushed. "Roman. That's not what I meant." "I know I know, I'm sorry. I heard you talking last night. I'm sorry that you think I don't consider your feelings. I'll try harder." I smiled and hugged him.

A/N: Also thanks for over 2k views I appreciate you reading my oneshots.

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